Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Ramadan and Harmful Energy Drinks

The uncontrolled inflow of huge amount of money prospered a lot of people and thus the country and especially the capital city of Kabul became a market for very expensive imported products from around the world which are usually associated with citizens of rich and developed countries. It is the reason why we see a number of furniture showrooms where best and most expensive furniture is bought by the residents of Kabul. Similarly, we also witnessed the soaring trend of consumption of energy drinks. Usually, a standard and quality energy drink is so expensive that a small family can manage the kitchen expenses of a meal with it but even then increasing demand of these drinks shows that there a lot among us who are rich enough to afford these drinks. It is at the same time surprising and tragic as Afghanistan is a country which is not economically self-sufficient and depends on the foreign aid for meeting its different expenses. It is also a reality that with the exception of a small minority, which doesn’t make 10% of our population, rest of the people manage their expenses in their meager income and salary of a common person is very low comparing to the inflation and shortage of edibles. Such circumstances depict a sad reality that there exists a number of classes in the according to their income levels and this gap is widening with every passing day.

Usually energy drinks are not much encouraged in the civilized nations of the world because they carry a lot of harmful effects and almost no benefits. Usually, these drinks are made up of a number of chemicals that harm the organs and affect adversely the proper functioning of body and mind. On the other hand, they also cause imbalance in the emotional feelings of a person and thus a person who consumes these drinks on permanent basis, develops a number of emotional problems like short-temperedness, loss of concentration and others. On the other hand, the consumption of such drinks by the children or teenagers can be very harmful to their fragile body and mind.

It is sad to see that there are dozens of brands available in the market and with the exception of a few, majority of them are very low-standard and because of this below standard quality, they are sold on cheaper prices. Similarly, there is not present any kind of control or testing of the quality of these drinks and few people are making profit on the cost of the health of thousands.

It becomes the responsibility of government to control the wide availability and standard of these energy drinks and devise and implement strict measures against them. It also becomes the responsibility of every citizen to discourage the people from using these harmful drinks. The issue has become more concerning in the month of Ramadan when these drinks are used as source of energy. It is also not sure that the contents in them are either allowed (Halal) according to our religion or not and in such circumstances, using such drinks may be against our religious faith. At the same time, these drinks can be very dangerous to our sensitive body organs in these long days of fasting.