Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

A Situation Hard to Control: Taliban Attacks & Possible Chaos

While the government is having a hectic time in resolving the political deadlock produced by the recent presidential election, the insurgents seem to have intensified their activities to benefit from the scenario as much as they can. While Ministry of Interior has sketched new security plans for handling possible election-related protests, the Taliban are pursuing their own objectives by implementing their heinous plans across the country.

Indeed, if the current political crisis is not resolved in time, the protest will definitely continue and it does not take much time for protests to get violent in Afghanistan. In such a situation, it will be very difficult – if not impossible – for Afghan government to handle violent protests and counter Taliban attacks simultaneously.

Taliban’s attack in Helmand has taken lives of hundreds of civilians and Afghan security forces. In late June, a group of Taliban insurgents beheaded 17 people in central Daikundi province. Recently, they set ablaze 400 oil tankers near Kabul. That does not stop here.

Officials in western Ghawr province said on Friday thatan IED attack by militants have taken live seven policemen. "The police car was traveling from the capital of the province to ChaharSadra district when their vehicle hit a land mine," said Abdul HaiKhatibi, spokesman to provincial governor.

In another incident in Herat province, Taliban opened fire at a group of workers of a de-mining organization killing six of them. Officials said on Thursday that Taliban have also abducted two of the workers including head of the group.

Although terror attacks are a part of Afghans’ daily life, connection of recent attacks with the election crisis cannot be overruled. The main objective of Taliban and other terror groups is regaining power in Afghanistan and that is what they have been struggling for since 2001. They would not miss any opportunity to destabilize the country and a chaotic situation is what they are waiting.

The first priority of international community and Afghan leadership must be preventing instability. Afghans cannot afford another war as they have already lost thousands of lives and got their country ruined in such conflicts.

It is crystal clear to the people of Afghanistan and the world that the current scenario prevails because certain government and IEC authorities in coordination with some political groups rigged the election in the worst form. This may lead to chaotic situation. Then, it will be quite challenging to control the situation and at the same time prevent Taliban from regaining power in certain parts of the country.