Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

The Solution of Kerry to Current Deadlock

After the rejection of runoff presidential election announced by Dr. Abdullah Abdullah last week, the political situation started getting serious. His supporters announced him as the winner of the election and asked him to establish parallel government. In Loya Jirga Salon where symbolically national decisions are made, he said that he would defend from the votes of people even though if he got tear into pieces. His statement sparked criticisms  as some wrote in satire that who is indeed the president of Afghanistan, Hamid Karzai, Dr. Ashraff Ghani, Dr. Abdullah Abdullah or Mullah Mohammad Omar.

No doubt, establishment of a parallel government will be one of the great mistakes that certainly pave the way for tragedy. First of all such thing will led to huge security defection or perhaps collapse of the entire security establishment for which the US and other allies have spent billions of dollars and presently also funded by foreign countries. Though everyone talks about nation and national interests or the votes of Afghan nations but finally people end up to would be ethnicity. No matter how much Dr. Ashraff Ghani or Dr. Abdullah gained votes from other communities, but any problem will easily bold the communal lines. A parallel government would certainly have caused the defection of security forces that belong to community that Dr. Abdullah represents.

On the other hands, finding the election result in his favor Dr. Ashraff Ghani has acted calmly. He never issued any warning instead always talked about legal channels to resolve the problem. He accepted the mediation of United Nations without hesitation. He could have emphasized that since all sides accepted election commissions as independent commissions and vowed to respect their work and decisions. But he did not and welcomed any move by any side in order to end the current deadlock.

There is also another promising issue. That is nothing other than the presence of international community. The discussions of John Kerry, the US foreign secretary flamed the candle of hopes once again. After two days of intense talks with all sides, he convinced both sides to recount and audit the casted votes. And meanwhile both candidates have accepted that they would accept whatever the result would be. It is not clear how long it takes but certainly it will cause delay of new president inauguration. So, hopefully both candidates this time accept the outcome and respect the bloods of Afghans shed for strengthening of government and bringing peace and stability.