Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

The Nation Must Act Vigilantly

One of the most imperative characteristic of a nation is its attitude and behavior within a tense and challenging situation. The nations that are able to go through such situations successfully really deserve to be remembered by history, while the ones that lose themselves only have the right to wither away with the sands of time.

The leaders are not always perfect and there have been many cases wherein the leaders have proved that they want nothing more than their self-centered incentives; in such cases it becomes really important for a nation to be vigilant and must not become dumb sheep and follow them blindly.

Currently Afghan nation is also going through a very crucial phase of its history and it demands from the nation to be vigilant and sensible and strive to write its history itself, instead of letting the circumstances take the control and pen down their destiny.

The concerns regarding elections have been tamed a bit after the agreement of both the candidates for the complete audit of the votes; however, concerns still remain regarding the exposed feelings and sentiments of the people for their countrymen. It has to be accepted that even if the leaders get together and form alliances and coalitions, nothing would save the nation from going towards chaos if the people abhor each other and become the victim of chauvinist and extremist feelings.

Therefore, it is important that Afghan nation must now start thinking and acting wisely. They have experienced an ugly phase of civil war and a very long history of instability. By now, they should be sensible enough not to fall in the trap of chauvinist feelings for their fellow beings and do not give any one opportunity to utilize their feelings for their self-centered incentives.

Now, they have to realize that their responsibilities are to declare clearly that they are no more ready to be fooled and to be utilized by others. Their rights are to announce their hatred for ignorance, poverty, conservative ideas, slavish thinking and growing hypocrisy, not for each other. They need to fight against the prevailing injustice and all the efforts that try to keep them away from education and knowledge. They should say no to the darkness and try to follow the light as it is the only way that they can live their life with prosperity and dignity