Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Will MPs Apologize?

On Tuesday, Afghan Senate rejected the new law ‘protection and rights of parliamentarians’ with an absolute majority. The law has already been endorsed by the parliament. Member of Senate called it a plot by the MPs to benefit themselves and their families. Senators’ this instance has seen much appreciation from the public and Afghan users of social media who were angered at this selfish attempt of the lawmakers.

Over the last two days, all social, political and civil society activists have been very active to condemn members of the parliament and urged the Senate and President Hamid Karzai to avoid endorsing the law. People’s reaction in this regard is indeed very reasonable and their anger is because they might not have expected their representative would cross alllimits of self-interest.

Based on the law ‘protection and rights of the parliamentarians’ which was approved by the parliament with a great ease, the MPs will be entitled to certain post-service benefits including  25% of salary, two bodyguards and they and family members must be allowed to possess political and service passports respectively.

This seems to be totally unfair and unjustifiable given the current economic standing of the nation. If any organization is eligible for more allowance and benefits that is Afghan Police or Army. The pay and allowances of Afghan police and soldiers are negligible considering the vitality of the duties they perform, the dangers they face and the sacrifices the make for defense of this country.

Such a scheme can also be considered for the Afghan teachers who get around $100 per month and serve in the most volatile provinces of the country. When it comes to protection, it is the civilians who need it really urgently. Thousands of them die every year and get nothing from the government except messages of condemnation and condolence.

MPs’ attempt to ensure a prosperous life for them and their families, at a time when millions of people in this country die for a piece of bread, is not only a matter of great shame but also an insult to the votes and trust of the people. This move must be condemned so widely that the MPs apologize before the public. Governance, rule of law and anti-corruption bodies are weak in Afghanistan but it does not mean government authorities and lawmakers start looting the public wealth in such a cruel way.