Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Candidates Discuss the Future Government

These days, the election contenders are engaged in intensive discussions about the future result and how the national unity government should be as proposed by US senior diplomat, the Secretary of the State Mr. John Kerry. On Friday Dr. Abdullah Abdullah met with Dr. Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai in his residence to discuss the election and the agreement they made to form a national unity government. The electoral team of Dr. Abdullah said the two presidential contenders met for the second time to discuss the vote counting process and political settlement.

The two contenders agreed on transparency of the election process and presence of their representatives in the Secretariat of the Independent Election Commission. They both have emphasized to abide by the result of the extensive vote audit.

Presently, the talks continue on the political as well as legal sides. On the legal sides, Dr. Abdullah Abdullah after withdrawal from continuing cooperation with election commissions blaming their officials of drinking tea than rather listening to his complaints and demands, the electoral process faced a deadlock. On one hand, as per laws, the election commission should continue working as per their schedule without considering the lack of representatives of one of the contender. On the other hand, Dr. Abdullah said that election commissions were engaged in extensive-vote rigging in the favor of his rival and he did not view them as legally authorized institutions to deal with electoral process.

In such an environment, the confusion dominated the country and the possibility of elapse of the country once again spiraled up. Thanks to Mr. John Kerry who broke the deadlock by hours-long tough and intense discussion with both candidates and convinced both to avoid any irresponsible move that could thrust the country into another round of miseries and chaos. To break the deadlock he proposed the audit of entire votes under the close watch of international community as impartial side which is currently acceptable for contenders.

On the political side, John Kerry clearly understood that formation of government by one side and elimination of the other would only deepen the problem. Thus, he decided irrespective of the election result to a form a national unity government with refers that both sides be engaged in power in order not to avoid disruptive activities. Since then both Dr. Abdullah and Dr. Ashraf Ghani are engaged in discussion on how the structure of next government should be and what would be the role of their respective parties.