Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Ill-treatment of Public by Police

On Thursday, two men went to buy air-tickets from Safi Airway’s office in Shahre-Naw. At the same time, there were 4 policemen sitting under shade in front of the office. They were the bodyguards of a person who was inside the office. A luxurious car and a police vehicle were standing near them. When the men took their tickets and were coming out of the office, these policemen started making fun of them by making different voices and cutting insulting comments. The men stopped and asked if they had any problem. To this, the policemen stood up and came angrily with their guns. They pointed their guns towards them and shouted on them. Their style showed as if they would shoot them down in the center of the city. They were also using very bad words against them. The men were on high positions in government and could have easily created problems to these policemen but having a look at their illiterate and impolite behavior; they just felt pity on them and left the scene without saying anything to them. They were not willing to descend to their stupid and pitiful level.

In these lines, the issues concerning the awkward, improper and non-civilized behavior of security forces especially police have repeatedly been raised. This is very alarming that majority of the lower staff of police have not been trained as how to treat the citizens. Having a gun in their hands and wearing the uniform of a powerful authority, they think themselves above any law and treat very badly all those who are weak and common. They become careful only when they confront someone who is also politically or financially strong and has good relations in government who can later on create problems to them.

Due to this mentality, it is a matter of routine observation that policemen are seen beating a person, insulting him, using bad language and also pointing their guns towards them. All these show that our policemen are not given training to treat the civilians properly. On the other hand, it also shows the lack of fear for any kind of accountability. They are sure that however they treat the people, there will not be any kind of investigation or punishment in this regard. The condition gets worse when we move into the rural areas where police is considered the king of the area.

The situation is worsening with every passing day and adding to the hate of public against the entire police force. We appreciate and honor the efforts and sacrifices of our police force in keeping order and stability in the country but it is also a fact that such incidents are defaming the entire police force and devaluing their efforts and sacrifices.

On behalf of all the citizens, we demand that more emphasis should be laid on the way a policeman should treat and handle the general public. It also becomes the responsibility of their high-ups to keep vigilant eye on the attitude of police in the cities and public places and make immediate corrective action when needed.