Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Palestinian Agony; Nonviolent Course Might Produce Positive Outome

The conflict between Palestinians and Israelis is about the right to self- determination, statehood and territory. It is also about national, religious and cultural identity. For more than 65 years there have been conflicts between Palestinian nationalism and the Jewish national movement: Zionism. The six day war in 1967 resulted in the Israeli army occupying territories in the Gaza Strip, West Bank, Sinai Peninsula and Golan Heights and separating Palestinian communities living there. Israeli settlements were and are built and the Palestinians endured violence and discrimination. The world kept mum over lengthened unilateral aggression.

The Israeli- Palestinian conflict has led to massive violations of human rights and humanitarian law, as well as a culture of fear, abuse, oppression and repeated violent attacks. Several peace agreements and diplomatic attempts have not been able to resolve the conflict. Years of abuse, oppression, powerlessness and despair have caused some Palestinians to participate in direct violence, as they see this as the only effective method of resistance that has been counterproductive.
A ‘separation wall’ has been built by the occupying force in an attempt to secure parts of the West Bank for Israeli civilians. However, the separation wall, labeled the ‘apartheid wall’ by Palestinians, has been an obstacle to peace building and is perpetuating the conflict for both Israelis and Palestinians. The wall is preventing cooperation and the development of relationships necessary to build peace. It is contributing to the creation of an enemy image of ‘the other’ by both, physically and symbolically dividing Israeli and Palestinian people.

An important way that Palestinians can participate in conflict transformation is through resistance based on nonviolence and civil disobedience. Nonviolence has been defined as a set of attitudes, actions or behaviors intended to persuade the other side to change their opinions, perceptions and actions. It uses peaceful means in order to strive for the goal of peace with justice. Nonviolence has been strongly promoted by Gandhi referring to it as a ‘people power’ movement. Such nonviolent methods might include demonstrations, sit-ins in the streets, joint marches and protests with Israeli peace forces at checkpoints, strikes, boycotting Israeli products, withdrawing deposits from Israeli banks, withholding taxes, continuing to harvest olives, educating about the impact and nature of the occupation and publishing leaflets.
The purpose of nonviolent action is to force the Israeli occupation to withdraw and to prevent further oppression. Although this method can be challenging, costly and difficult, it might bring the Palestinians closer to achieving their goal over time. When engaging in nonviolent activity, Palestinians protest against the injustice that they suffer and aim to make obvious injustice to all parties to the conflict as well as the international community. Due to gradual loss of resources and sympathy, nonviolent action might challenge the sustainability of the Israeli occupation.