Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Prosecution of Perpetrators of Electoral Frauds Vitalfor Reviving Public Trust

Mediation of US and UN authorities resulted resolution of Afghan political deadlock raised as a result of recent presidential election in way that both the running candidates are satisfied. They have agreed to work together regardless of what the election results will be.

Audit of thousands of ballot boxes are under way under the supervision of national and international observers and a national unity government is in the making. At least, now the fear of a chaotic situation, civil war or partition of the country has subsided somehow and the people are once more hopeful. Kudos to international community for its keen interest in stability of Afghanistan and preserving its hard-won gains in here. If the world had looked the other way, further instability in Afghanistan would definitely be inevitable.

While all of recent development in Afghan politics is praiseworthy, the Afghan government needs to take another step to restore the trust of the people in government entities and electoral bodies. Undoubtedly, those who led Afghanistan to the brink destruction, are individuals in government and election commissions who misused their authorities, stepped over the Constitution Law of the country and rigged the election in way that worsened the global image of Afghanistan.

Letting such individuals go free indeed means keeping the doors of electoral frauds open for the future. Meanwhile, prosecuting them in accordance with demands of prevailing laws in the country would not only result in satisfaction of the people but also would be a lesson to those who work against the will of the nation.

While the two rival candidates Dr. Abdullah Abdullah and Dr. Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzia agreed on many issues from audit of ballots boxes to forming a national unity government, they have expressed no mutual instance on what will happen to individuals who engineered massive electoral frauds. Even IEC chief's ex-aide, Zia ul Haq Amarkhail against whom valid evidences are available and he is considered the mastermind behind electoral frauds, is still free. The government and judicial and legal bodies of the country have also kept a grave silence over the issue which is quite disappointing.

Both candidates must now call upon the government to not only exposes the list of individuals involved rigging the election -be it government authorities or IEC officials - but also put them on trial. This is extremely necessary for reviving the trust and confidence of the public in government and electoral commissions.