Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Another Terror Strike in Kabul

Kabul the capital of Afghanistan – a city highly guarded and overseen by national and foreign intelligence – has been a target of consecutive terror attacks recently. Only days after rockets landed at Kabul International Airport that halted all flights from the city, on Tuesday a suicide bomber was successful to enter and detonate his explosive-packet motorbike inside a security compound called Camp Gibson. The compound hosts foreign advisor to deputy ministry of anti-narcotics - a structure within the ministry of interior affairs. The explosion left four foreigners dead and dozens of other injured. As usual the Taliban claimed the responsibility for the attacks.

There is no doubt that the Taliban terribly failed to prevent people from voting in the first and second rounds of presidential election held on 5th April and 14th June respectively. But they have done their utmost to benefit the most from uncertainties prevailing in the country.

They launched a massive attack in southern Helmand province for the purpose of taking over certain districts but failed. In the most sacred Islamic month of Ramazan, Taliban fighters continued shedding blood all over Afghanistan. They carried out their bloodiest attack in Paktika province which took lives of at least 90 civilians and injured many others.

The result of presidential election is still unclear and it might take more weeks or even months before the new president of Afghanistan is in office. The political uncertainty is doing much to harm the economic activities in the country. Growing graphs of inflation and unemployment have pressed the poor section of society like never before. Yet Taliban’s one after another attacks are proving to be another curse for the people of Afghanistan.

Top security officials admit to two mistakes of the government. Firstly, transition of security responsibilities from ISAF to Afghan security forces took place at a wrong time (prematurely) and secondly, freeing of Taliban prisoners was a wrong policy.The government freed Taliban prisoners with a pleasure and in the hope to strike a peace deal with their leadership. But the consequences of Taliban-friendly policies are proving to be deadly for the people of this country. Therefore, whether it is Kabul or any other province of Afghanistan, there is no security and danger to life of civilians is growing. The strict security measures are failing in Kabul, let alone other provinces.