Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Unhealed Wounds of Palestinians

Apparently no end to Palestinian ordeal is witnessed. With every advancing interval of time, heart wrecking reports of life losses, discloses the height of political prejudice extended towards innocent Palestinians, standing amidst fire. The agonies of hapless women, children and innocent civilians are negligibly heard by champions and so called guardian of human rights.

Since the onset of bloody conflict till date at least 1,452 people have been killed in Gaza, and 8,360 wounded, according to the Gaza Ministry of Health spokesman Ashraf al-Qudra. Those killed in the current hostilities include 327 children and 166 women, the Gaza health ministry reports.

The bloodshed prompted the United Nations' top human rights official to warn that war crimes may have been committed, accusing Israel of "deliberate defiance of obligations (to) international law." Around a quarter of a million people, which makes about 14% of Gaza's population of 1.8 million in the small, impoverished territory have been displaced by the conflict, according to the United Nations.

Certain tangible efforts were undertaken to crystallize peace deals between Hamas and Israel that turned intangible due to wide power disparity. Israel, being unbeatable military power is proud of his military strength that she deems could help them out subjugate Hamas, would surrender to their demands. Hamas uses civilian shields to earn the support of the international community and media to unravel the historical long atrocities of Isreal against innocent Palestinians. Previously under the joint effort of  the United Nations and United States, a humanitarian truce was announced that unluckily didn’t last long.

The cease-fire allows food and medical supplies to come and in, better care for the injured and burial of the dead. Minutes after its artillery had shelled a Gaza school, killing at least 16 people, Israel had the audacity to say, “We have a policy — we don’t target civilians”. There had been no less than 17 warnings, prior to the attack, from a UN agency that the school was housing displaced persons.

The shelling of the school, which was housing 3,000 civilians in the Jabaliya refugee camp, wasn’t the only Israeli attack on non-military targets on Wednesday; the same day, Israel poured fire on a market near Gaza City, killing 17 people, bringing the Palestinian death toll in a single day to over 100. This act of unilateral aggression intimates Isreal monopoly in the ongoing conflict.

The Israeli- Palestinian conflict has led to massive violations of human rights and humanitarian law, as well as a culture of fear, abuse, oppression and repeated violent attacks. Several peace agreements and diplomatic attempts have not been able to resolve the conflict. Years of abuse, oppression, powerlessness and despair have caused some Palestinians to participate in direct violence, as they see this as the only effective method of resistance that has been counterproductive.