Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Irreparable Harms of Delays in Electoral Process

The intervention by US Secretary of State, John Kerry in our electoral deadlock gave hope to all that this deadlock has finished and now nation would soon advance smoothly on the path of progress and democratic stability but after that, there have been many deadlocks in the recounting process. Both the candidates had agreed upon the recounting of all the ballots and it was targeted that in two weeks time, the ballots will be recounted and the new president will be finalized but unfortunately, the process of recounting was not only slow but it was time and again suspended due to the disagreement of the presidential candidates over issues like rejection of ballots and others.

In this regard, both the candidates were in constant touch with the officials of UNAMA that is representing the international body in resolving this conflict and on which, both the candidates have expressed their trust. However, after several rounds of talks with both the candidates, UNAMA came up with an agreed upon methods and procedures to proceed with the recounting process so that there should not be any kind of further delay. In this regard, UNAMA has submitted a document of suggestions to the Independent Election Commission which verified and finalized this as was stated in the press briefing of its chief, Mr. Nuristani on Friday.

On the other hand, presidential palace has also issued its press release according to which President Karzai wants that the recounting process should be completed as soon as possible and not later than by the end of August so that the power transition to the new president should take place. According to the spokesman of the President, the delay in the process is causing great harm to all the sectors of life in country and economy has come on a standstill which is greatly affecting the common person in earning its bread. At the same time, a number of NGOs and other civil society organs have expressed their concerns on the delay in the electoral process and demanded from both the candidates to take special and personal interest in the matter to resolve it for the sake of the common Afghans.

It is a bitter yet often-repeatedly fact that delays in the result of presidential elections is having irreparable harms on the economy, security and other walks of life in the country and now, common people have come on the verge of crying out in pain and agony due to the prevalent miserable economic conditions. It is the cry of the public that both the candidates should leave aside their personal gains and egos and work incessantly to bring an end to this miserable condition of common public. This act will show that they are really sincere with the country and masses who have voted for them.