Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Eid Celeberated Amidst Bloodshed

Previously, Eid festivity was observed here in Afghanistan and across the Muslim world. Generally Lesser Eid is regarded as the festival of breaking of the fast, also called Feast of Breaking the Fast. Eid, is an important religio-cultural festivity celebrated by Muslims worldwide that marks the end of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting. The holiday celebrates the conclusion of the 29 or 30 days of dawn-to-dust fasting during the entire month of Ramadan. The day of Eid, therefore, falls on the first day of the month of Shawwal. It is said that Eid is a religio-cultural practice marked by wide socialization, expression of love, sympathy, dedication, and solidarity towards underprivileged, handicapped, oppressed and denied section of societies.

Nominally it is proclaimed, on this very day, Muslims around the world show a common goal of unanimity and harmony. Nontheless, the real picuture is gloomy and unacceptably admissible. It is true to claim that muslim displayed a matchless resort of unity by expressing solidarity at endless atrocities executed against fellow borthers in Palestine. Elsewhere, in Iraq and Syria Muslim brothers are viciously engaged and are not tired of butchring the lives of Muslim brothers in their quest to power gains. Neither, the act of solidarity is demonstrated with aggreived palestanian nor reckless bloddshed in widely condemned. Most if not all muslim countries and organizaition kept mum over heinous crimes carried out against Muslims either in Muslims world or non-Muslim world.

Till date we are expecting the Muslim world would come forth to play their part by devising strategies, to put down the immediate burning issues of the middle East. However, deparatingly, the Muslim world along its organizations, such as the summit of the Arab League (AL) or the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) showed negligible interest in the issue instead the a stillness was prioritized. It is the point of utter dignity, the Muslims selflessly extend a helping hand to their oppressed and suppressed brothers whilst celebrating the joys of Eid festivals.

Undoubtedly, Eid is accompanied by celebrations of joys, delight, cheers and enchantment.  Happiness is a mental state, acquired not through veneration,but exercising of good deeds. Sharing joys rendered to be the principle philosophy operating behind this festivity. Nonetheless, the spirit of all such pleasures gets dimmed, and delights diffused, sensing the magnitude of countless life losses across the  Muslims world from Palestin to Afghanistan. Somewhere the aggressors occupants elsewhere the extremist elements are found, benind the ongoing agonies of Muslims.