Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Is Gen. Raziq’s Stance Justified?

According to the media reports, police chief of Kandahar, Gen. Abdul Raziq has ordered his soldiers not to catch any terrorist alive and shoot them on the spot. The news spread like a wild fire with two different views. Some people criticized it as being extra-judicial and against the law and constitution which directs all the government organs to bring criminals into the process of legal trials in the state courts after which they can be punished or released. On the other hand, large number of people especially youth has really appreciated this command of the police chief. It was visible from the large number of likes, comments, tweets and sharing on different social websites.

According to the police chief, majority of these criminals are later on freed by our courts due to the lack of proper investigation and escape-holes in our judicial system. They also get free because of their supporters present in the high government ranks and also among the parliamentarians who use all their powers to release them from the courts. It is the reason why, many of the terrorists caught by our brave soldiers were later on released by the courts and they were again noticed fighting in the field against our soldiers.

Now this is not a hidden reality that due to numerous factors mentioned earlier, the criminals and especially the terrorists caught by our security forces manage to come out of the prisons after a very short period of time and they again join their comrades on the field and threaten the lives and property of the common public. If General Abdul Raziq has given these orders, he may have done it due to the repeated incidents when the militants caught by them were released by the courts and they were again caught or killed by the soldiers of the General.

At the same time, it also shows extreme corruption and bribery found in our judicial system. It has been repeatedly brought into the notice of concerned government authorities that our judicial system has become badly corrupted and it is very difficult to obtain justice without providing good money to the judges and other organs of the judiciary. At the same time, people who can afford to please the judges can walk free for any kind of serious crime. In such circumstances, the common man has lost all the hopes from this system while the rich and wealthy have lost any fear of punishment for their crimes. All these factors have given birth to a condition when the crime is committed without any fear and the situation of law and order has become really alarming.

At the same time, the release of dangerous militants and Taliban by our courts has resulted in demoralization of our forces who lost many of their fellows to catch them and later found that they were released by the courts. It is necessary that proper investigation should be conducted of the large property made by judges and other members of judiciary and they should also be brought into justice. At the same time, no organ of government, like ministers, parliamentarians and others should be allowed to interfere in the work of courts and any attempt by them should be considered a criminal act and a case should be opened against them in a court of law.

In the case of absence of proper justice from the courts, more and more officers and soldiers would resort to the method prescribed by General Abdul Raziq who is considered a brave and patriotic member of our forces and who earned great fame by punishing badly the Taliban and other terrorists in Kandahar.