Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Audit Process Depends on Political Negotiation at the Backstage

After revelation of serious differences in the process of audit and recount of second round of presidential election, US Secretary of the State John Kerry once again paid visit to Kabul in order to drag the two candidates back on the track. Since the start of the process five weeks ago which was also made possibly by John Kerry, only five thousand of ballot papers are audited and recounted that also from provinces where both candidates have lesser differences over the authenticity of votes. When last week, the observers of team of Dr. Abdullah Abdullah and Dr. Ashraff Ghani Ahmadzai clashed with one another in salon where votes were audited, it was understandable something had gone on the top level despite persistence of leadership of the two teams that physical confrontation occurred due to individual’s personal decision.

During these past few weeks, one thing was revealed---the process of audit and recount of ballot papers largely depend on the political bargain at the back stage. Whenever the two candidates come close to agreement about the future structure of the government, the process has gone smooth. Whenever the angles of the future government become vague, the process has also started limping.

The last week’s visit of John Kerry to Kabul was exactly made due to the same purpose. After the earlier agreement between the two candidates that the loser will be appointed as chief executive of the government which within a period of time will change into the role of Prime Minister, Ahmad Zia Masoud the brother of Ahmad Shah Masoud, the former influential leader of Tajik community openly turned the edge of his criticism toward Dr. Abdullah Abdullah. He said that every election has a loser and a winner. The loser should not spark communal and language differences in order to force the winner to give him reward.

On the other hand, the structure of a national government remained very vague. Some said that Afghanistan constitution which considers the presidential form of democracy for the country would not be violated. There were murmurings, after the audit of entire ballot papers; the winner may not pay attention to his rival.

Thus, Mr. Kerry paid a visit and he once again made the two candidates to seriously follow the agenda of building a national government. For now, the two candidates have signed a declaration which clearly defines the responsibilities and authorities of the executive appointed by winner. It is possible, if the political talks move ahead properly and smoothly, the process of audit and recount likewise will continue with an appropriate manner and pace.