Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Local Production Should be Encouraged

This is a generally accepted phenomenon that until and unless the economic conditions of a country don’t develop that can provide the people with opportunities of living a decent and contented life, so many problems would keep emerging. Due to the economic instability and fear of future, people do corruption and make more and more wealth illegally. Due to the same concern, the talented brains of country flow out of the country. Due to the same reason, crimes and other social evils increase and it is also the reason that many have joined the lines of Taliban and other terrorists who are able to pay them at least something to run their families. The ongoing presidential elections resulted in a severe blow to the economy and already faltering and shaking economy of the country came to a standstill. At present, the condition of employment and economic activities are really depressing in the country when large number of people have lost their jobs and many more are struggling to make the ends meet. But it is also unfortunate that the concerned ministers and their well-paid advisers are still enjoying their luxurious lives and they have not shown their least concern about such drastic situations.

As it stands a reality that Afghan economy almost completely depends on foreign goods and it is the reason why, we import large number of goods from different countries and especially China, Pakistan, Iran, Turkey and some of the Central Asia States. Our local production is almost zero due to which we are unable to provide any job opportunities for Afghans inside the country.

It is also a sad fact that large numbers of things that can be easily manufactured inside the country are being imported from the neighboring nations. We may not be able to manufacture those goods that need high technical expertise and sophisticated machines and equipments but there are certainly present so many simple things like shoe polish, pampers, local furniture, lights and bulbs and things like these that can be easily manufactured inside the country but our traders and industrialists are really disappointed from the concerned ministries. According to them, AISA, Ministry of Trade and Commerce, Ministry of Revenue and Taxation and others create so many problems to them that doing a business or installing a factory in Afghanistan becomes a nightmare. They not only refuse to extend any assistance in terms of tax relaxation and utility services provision but also create many obstacles when issuing the licenses, observing their sites and other relevant processes. Due to their non-cooperative approach, a product produced in the country turns out to be more expensive than importing it from other countries and it is the reason why, the present scenario is very discouraging for the industrialists who want to establish any factory or industry here in the country.

The Presidential Palace is requested to have a special attention on the issue and meet the concerned traders and industrialists exclusively so that local production may be encouraged that would end so many of our problems.