Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

The Increasing Insecurity Must Be Dealt Seriously

There has been resounding news of increasing activities of Taliban in some parts of the country and the grave and serious news are adding to the tensions of the common public. The coordinated attacks of Taliban in Sangeen and other districts of Helmand district are still in media and according to the local people, the area is still in not complete control of the security forces.

According to the security forces, the delay in the complete cleanup of the area has been caused due to the large number of mines planted by the militants and our security forces are working to clean the mines after which more offensive stance will be taken against Taliban. In the same way, the disturbing news about the increasing influence and control of Taliban in some parts of Kunduz province is also creating a lot fears about the future stability of the country. In the beginning, Taliban were busy in carrying out their activities in some parts of the province but now, they have forced out our security forces from some districts and controlled the area.

However, these areas have not fallen into their hands and the fights between Taliban and security forces are underway. There have been reports of heavy casualties from both the sides. Similar reports have been issued about Badakhshan, Nuristan, Nangarhar, and some other parts of the country.

There have been numerous reasons for this insecurity in the country. First of all, the coalition troops are to exit the country and at present, they have almost halted their assistance in military operations against the militants. Secondly, the delay in the election process is giving birth to so many complications and doubts and if country doesn't come out of this dilemmatic situation, the rumors of the fall of government into the hands of militants may take a practical shape. The lack of air-support for our security forces has also been identified by our security forces as another reason in their inability to control the situation in different parts of the country. Increasing infiltration from parts of the country bordering Pakistan has also seen considerable increase and there are reports that the militants were having the technical and physical support of Pakistani military experts.

With all these facts in mind, it is also a matter of great concern that prolonged confrontation and insecurity in different parts of country may result in the weakening of our security forces. For this reason, the earlier these problems are controlled, more it would be beneficial for everyone in the country. In this regard, our presidential candidates also need to realize their serious role in bringing an end to this situation. They can play their role by settling on an agreement in the swift transition of power to the new president.