Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Structure of National Unity Government Yet to be Worked Out

It was August 8, when an accord was inked between the two presidential runners Dr. Asharaf Ghani and Dr Abudullah that read they would cooperate in the formation of national unity government. It was an episode, worth seeing Afghanistan put back on the road to democracy subsequent to lengthened electoral deadlock over loud claims of industrial scale fraud and demand of fair and transparent ballot recount. Subsequent to several pauses, the ballot audit finally started under the UN, international and candidates’ observers and is peacefully continuing. Seemingly, lots of efforts are exercised to mediate a deal between the two presidential runners. In that pursuit any formula other than power sharing might not seem workable, given the two candidates strongly adhere to the binding principles.

The July 12, deal brokered by Secretary of state John Kerry, is reinforced earlier, in a bid to diffuse the possible political tension and brokered a deal to form a national unity government. The power sharing accord of Mr. Kerry reads the losing candidate’s  representative would serve under the president as the government’s chief executive. This stance will be amended in a Loya Jirga, or grand council, is held in two years, provided the post of the chief executive will transform into an executive prime minister. Talking of important positions and ministries, in the governments will equally be shared between the two sides.

Mostly probably the two presidential runners agree on parliamentary systm. In case the parliamentary system is turned down, then semi presidential system might be put into practice. The semi-presidential system is a system of government in which a popularly elected fixed term president exists alongside a prime minister, where both position enjoys a certain degree of power. One thing that moving along side the government will be the power tussle between the then evolving positions, given each side will be striving hard to have a greater share in the setup that will be put into practice.

Previously, the newly-created a joint commission comprising members of both parties, held its maiden meeting on the formation of a national unity government and creation of the chief executive post. Reportedly more than 30 representatives from the Change and Continuity and Reform and Unanimity teams launched talks to flesh out details of the new set-up. It is too early expecting the proposed setup to get finalized within the blink of an eye, instead the road to its finalization seems long and tiring. After first meeting on finalization of the type and structure of the national unity government, a gesture of commitment and adherence unfolded towards accord earlier made.

The deal may not be given a wine-wine status, as long as an inclusive government is not seen successfully operating on the ground, still reliant on clearer power sharing formula. It is feared if this or identical formula fails to deliver the desired outcome, the prolonged political crisis waits the fate of Afghanistan will substantiate the potential threat to harmonious co-existence of Afghanistan.