Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Changes Required in Social Behavior towards Women

Though there have been some improvements in Afghanistan regarding the rights and position of women in the society but major changes and improvements are required to make them stand at a reputable and deserving position. Doing so would require bringing about amendments in the social behavior and the mentality of the male members of the society. A large portion of Afghan males still consider women pathetically inferior and are not in the favor of even discussing their exalted position in the social setup.

Unfortunately, they are even in the favor of using violence to ‘control’ their women. They do not consider it weird if women are beaten and disgraced in the public; rather they consider it necessary to keep the society ‘clean and free of sin’.

There have been several incidents in Afghanistan even after Taliban wherein women have been stoned to death or shot to death in public because of the alleged ‘sins’ they have committed. As a large part of society still remains tribal and strictly religious, the procedure is used to punish the ‘inferior gender’ even for very trivial matters.

On Saturday, Aug 16, a man stoned his wife to death in the western Heart province for having an alleged extramarital affair. Col. Abdul Rauf Ahmadi, spokesman for the provincial police, told that the incident took place on Saturday noon in the Nawak area of Kohistan district. He also revealed that the man stoned his wife to death publically before trying to escape but police caught him.

It has to be taken notice of by the concerned authorities that there are still certain places in the country where stoning women publically is carried out as the punishment of the alleged crimes against them. The authorities, thus, require enacting strict measures to control the situation and should punish all those who are involved in such cases. Immediate and proper action in such circumstances can help much in discouraging the act. However, as a long term strategy there should be efforts to change the attitude of men towards women and bringing about changes within the social behavior and psychology towards them. After all, they are human beings and integral part of Afghan society. It is very difficult to think of better Afghanistan without the involvement and participation of Afghan women.