Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Bad Governance – A Factor behind Iraq’s Political Crisis

It was not only the cruelest but also the most vicious act of atrocity carried out by the militants of the Islamic State against the people released earlier. Large number of people, brutally shot in the head, others ruthlessly beheaded and killed ferociously, are an insane and unforgivable deed that the militant of the Islamic State (IS) unleashed. The guardian of Islamic State in disguise indiscriminately massacred all those whose religions and sects differed to that of theirs.

Finally, the ruthless killing of hundreds of people, grasped the attention of the international community and US came up with the combat mission against the militant of IS. Reportedly, the US forces has started targeting operation against the militants and reached to rescue large numbers of vulnerable people who otherwise would be left of merciless butchery of militants. The world powers ramped up efforts to cut their funding, arm Kurds are battling them and assist those they displaced.

In the meanwhile hectic efforts are undertaken by international community calling a session of UN security council. The 15-member council unanimously adopted a resolution that aims to weaken the Islamic State – an al Qaeda splinter group that has seized swathes of territory in Iraq and Syria and declared a caliphate – and al Qaeda’s Syrian wing, Nusra Front. The Security Council resolution “deplores and condemns in the strongest terms the terrorist acts of ISIL (Islamic State) and its violent extremist ideology, and its continued gross, systematic and widespread abuses of human rights and violations of international humanitarian law.”

The resolution “calls on all member states to take national measures to suppress the flow of foreign terrorist fighters” and threatens sanctions against anyone involved in their recruitment. Islamic State has long been blacklisted by the Security Council, while Nusra Front was added earlier this year. The United Nations Security Council took aim at militants in Iraq and Syria on Friday, blacklisting six people, including the Islamic State spokesperson and threatening sanctions against those who finance, recruit or supply weapons to the rebels.

Reversing the growth of militancy should have been the top first priority of the international community and weak government of Iraq; the later has been potentially weak enough to tackle the worsening situation. Reportedly, the prime minister Noori-ul-Maliki is blamed to be behind the deteriorating socio-political condition. He is said to be behind the promotion of sectarianism. A similar discriminatory attitude  was exercised by  by ex-dictator Saddam Hussain, who was widely known for atrocities against Shias in Iraq. Identically, Mr. Maliki is unilaterally is dispensing support to shia sect in Iraq. It was therefore strongly demanded, Maliki should step down, that finally materialized. The new prime minister should learn that he is going to serve the masses without any discrimination kept in mind.