Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Hezb-e-Islami’s Plea for Peace Negotiation

The military branch of Hezb-e-Islami led by Gulbuddin Hekmatyar has decided to hold talks with the new government of Afghanistan which would possibly be formed after the completion of audit and acceptance of the result by both candidates. Qarib-ur-Rehman Syed, former spokesman and executive member of Hezb-e-Islami has told BBC Farsi that Hezb-e-Islami will also open its liaison office in Kabul if the group’s conditions have been met. He has said that complete withdrawal of foreign forces from the country was one of the main conditions of the armed political party for talks and the exact date of foreign troops’ pullout should be specified.

The group has not dropped its long stance against our foreign allies. Sayed has said that the next government should have enough freedom. He branded the recent visit of Mr. John Kerry, US Secretary of the State as intervention in domestic affairs and sign that the country was in captivity of the US and its allies.

Though the conditions expressed are utterly unacceptable as none of the two presidential candidates ever have intention to cut ties with the US and other strong and powerful countries due to their valuable and visible financial, political, technical and strategic support, but it seems that the group leadership is moving ahead to join hands with the government. Before the election, the party asked its followers to take part in presidential election and vote for the favorite candidate of the party. As appeared, the Hezb-e-Islami does not have visible supporters. 

The party originated from amongst Pashtun tribes. Back in time, the party was claiming to be the true representative of Pashtun community. When Taliban started building its base, it could easily attract the attention of Pashtun community and pushed any other groups from the community on margin.

Thus, Mr. Gulbuddin and the leadership team of the party have reasons for such statements.  No doubt, presently Taliban form that part of the community who are against presence of foreign forces and follow to establish a Taliban-like government. The major part of the community has joined hands with the government and thus—despite his soldiers’ destructive activities---it has no force to count on. Taliban do not accept him. The party generally is active in Northern Provinces where many do not welcome him too.

Such a week state has forced him and his followers to resume negotiation with government. But the next government and President should consider this issue. He should never consider privilege to his party because he is in no stage to threaten the government. He should be forced to lay down arms and act like other civilians.