Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

The Candidates Should Handle the Issue with Diplomacy

Afghan people still suffer from political wheeling and dealing. The disagreements between the presidential candidates on the one hand and the insurgencies launched by the militants on the other hand have aggravated the anxiety and confusion among the Afghan citizens. The more this political deadlock was waited to be broken the more complicated it got. Moreover, since the politicians are busy with their own affairs, the security situation has changed just a game to them.

Recently, the Taliban militants have increased their insurgency attacks across the country and launched coordinated attacks on security check posts.

According to reports, almost 750 Taliban militants launched coordinated attacks on security check posts in Logar province on Sunday. Similar attacks have been carried out in Helmand, Nangarhar, Kunduz and Kunar province of Afghanistan.

The fact is that the Taliban militants, who have proved to be the sworn enemy of Afghan people, make their best to muddy the water and use the slightest opportunity in their own advantages. The increase in militancy easily reflects this fact. One will ask, with great surprise, that what about the counter-terrorism mechanisms devised and chanted in the flamboyant speeches of the presidential candidates.

By and large, the politicians’ acts are at odds with their words. Do you think that if the candidates do not make mouth-watering promises, they will be able to attract the public’s votes and attention? Of course not! Therefore, they have no choice other than chanting slogans beyond their commitments.

One of the issues which aggravates the security situation is the statements about the withdrawal of foreign forces from the country. If foreign troops leave Afghan people in the lurch, the militancy will increase more than ever before. In other words, the Taliban militants are waiting to rejoice the pullout of foreign soldiers and perhaps to celebrate their victory if the pullout takes place.

Hence, now it is the candidates to agree over the presidential result through negotiation as soon as possible. Since they are called the leader, they have to divert our nation’s attention from bad security and take effectual mechanism regarding the issue.

Moreover, both the candidates have promised previously to sign the Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA), as soon as they win the election. So, they have to strike while the iron is hot, otherwise with each passing day, they will miss the opportunity. Further, if the security pact be signed, Afghan people may breathe a sigh of relief – this fact is discernible with the agreements of the public representatives in Loyga Jirga and persistent call of the people. Hence, they are supposed to break the deadlock tactfully and start putting their abilities and commitments in practice.