Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Silence of Muslim World on Gaza Attacks!

The atrocities of Israel in Gaza are continuing relentlessly. More than 2100 civilians of Gaza have been killed and thousands more are injured. The talks between Hamas and Israeli government did not bring any result in Cairo and now once again, the citizens of Gaza have been left on the mercy of Israeli forces. In this conflict, the role of international media and world politicians have been really biased that provided basis for the increasing atrocities of Israeli Defense Forces. Except for a few media outlets, all the sources of news and information in the world have shown the picture according to the Jewish point of view and thus, the atrocities and crimes of Israel were concealed. In the same way, world politicians have played their role to support Israel despite all its war crimes. Almost all the international powers of the world like The US, Britain, France and others took the side of Israel, ignoring all the ground realities. Some nations, like Russia and China were either silent or they avoided supporting Israel. Only one nation, Venezuela declared Israel a terrorist state while no other nation dared to condemn the criminal acts of Israel.

In this conflict, the role of Muslim nations and their leaders have been very disappointing. Due to their different aims and objectives, they were not able to condemn Israel. Some protest was observed from the civil society of different Muslim countries like Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh and many others but their politicians found it more beneficial to remain silent. Prime minister of Turkey, Recep Tayyep Erdogan was the only Muslim leader who was able to use some harsh words against the cruelties of Israel. Turkey was also the first nation to send ambulances to bring the injured Gaza citizens into Turkey for medical treatment. Many Turkish NGOs, backed by the government of turkey, also took part in humanitarian assistance activities.

Although a statement was issued by the Afghan government in the condemnation of these attacks but the general public was not able to raise its voice effectively. As Afghanistan is dependent on its allies for its development so it is not much in favor of the government to talk against Israel but there are large numbers of Muslim countries who are in position to do something against this barbarous nation but unfortunately, they followed the easy way of remaining silent.