Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Ambiguous Destiny of Audit Process

As the process of audit is getting longer and longer and Mr. President Karzai continually emphasizes that he would hand over power to his successor within less than fifteen day because of growing concerns that he might follow to extend his term, both Afghans and foreign involved countries have become obsessed about the future. United States as the largest supporter is mounting pressure on the candidates to find a solution to the present technical and political deadlock.

When recount and audit of the entire casted votes in the second round of Presidential Election was proposed by United States, Dr. Abdullah Abdullah the leader of reform and partnership team and Dr. Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai, the leader of changes and continuity reluctantly agreed. Initially, many hoped that the initiative would put an end to deadlock appeared after Dr. Abdullah Abdullah cut all ties with Independent Election Commission (IEC) and Independent Election Complaint Commission (IECC) claiming extensive vote-rigging in the favor of his rival. His supporters called for forming a parallel government.

Such a deadlock worried Afghan people as well as foreign countries. After the visit of US secretary of the State, Mr. John Kerry, many hoped that Washington pressure would finally compel both candidates to avoid steps which might deteriorate the political situation. Thus, frustrated people, unlike previous time, remained silent against US intervention and many even appreciated the US. But now around two months passed from such optimism, yet both our candidates have remained stuck an indefinite controversy.

One thing should be noticed that as per rule we should have only and only one winner. So, the winner can be only identified through votes of people. After allegation of widespread extensive vote rigging, the international community, particularly Washington, could force election commission to resume audit process under the very eyes of international observers in order to ensure transparency. So, after practice of due transparency, any candidate who got the larger percentage of votes should be selected as president.  But that did not happen. Beside start of audit process, political negotiation also started between two candidates in order to form a united government. This measure was largely due to communal differences in Afghanistan. The US feared if any of the candidates be announced as winner without involvement of the other could have spark communal antagonism which destabilize the country. Unfortunately, both processes limp if the US does not add further catalysts.