Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Local Police should not be Left Alone

In Kunduz and some other provinces of north, Taliban did not face much resistance from our security forces. On the other hand, the local police or arbaki was there to give them some tough time. It is in the knowledge of all that in some remote district and villages, police and national army is found only in some heavily guarded military bases while it is the responsibility of local police to patrol to the dangerous areas and keep the insurgents and militants at bay. In Faryab and Kunduz, there are many famous local police commanders who have developed a good reputation in tackling and keeping the area clear of the militants. Although there have been many negative reports about the members of local police as well but their positive role has overshadowed these negative reports and they have especially shown remarkable performance in fighting the Taliban insurgents. In recent months, many districts of some northern provinces fell into the hands of Taliban and after they controlled the area, they treated badly the members of local police and they even not spared their family members. It was unfortunate that central government did not come to the help of these brave local soldiers who were fighting to keep the writ of government in these difficult conditions and difficult areas.

According to some sources, the commanders of local police are much angry of the central government and our security forces because they were left alone and left on the mercy of Taliban in the time of difficulty. Later on, they made repeated pleas of help from the central government but their requests were not given much importance. Due to these reasons, they got really disappointed with the government and if preventive measures are not taken, they may altogether turn against government and join the lines of enemy.

Although the establishment and functioning of the local police is against the constitution where there is not present any room for such a non-professional force which is not much accountable for its acts but it is also a fact that this force proved to be much effective in tackling the menace of Taliban and militants in remote rural areas of the country where our national army and police had difficult time in tackling the militants. Now that government has decided to keep such a force, it becomes both moral and official responsibility of the government to support the commanders of local police to help them regain the control of areas snatched by militants. It would also be useful to our security forces which are struggling hard to keep the control of some areas and also looking to take back the areas captured by Taliban and other insurgents.