Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Time to End the Prevailing Uncertainty

There are times in the histories of nations when the socio-political circumstances turn very much crucial and decisive. Small actions in such scenarios turn out to have very significant impacts. Sane and wise actions during such times can prove to be the catalysts that can speed up the process of development and improvements, but insane and unwise actions would lead to chaos, destruction and ultimately contempt.

Afghanistan at the moments is passing through a similar type of circumstance. The actions and the sayings of our leaders have become very much important and decisive and can turn the whole situation upside down within few days. Unfortunately, our leaders are not showing to be wise and mature enough to divert the flow of the history in their favor and in the favor of the Afghan nation as a whole.

The adventurous story of the election is getting very lengthy and the stamina of the different sectors of the society and the people as a whole is getting weaker and they cannot keep on hearing the story any more. They, as a matter of fact, fulfilled their responsibility with complete zeal and optimism, but what they see now is a tiring drama that seems to have no end.

Afghan economy that requires investment and support from different businesses and businessmen is now facing the ambiguity and uncertainty created by the dubious results of the elections. As, there is no certainty that the process with end in a peaceful announcement of result, which will be welcomed by both the teams, the investors are not at all interested in the investing with high hopes or even with little hope.

What they expect from their investment is a profitable return, which they have the right to expect. However, with prevailing circumstances, they are not sure even that their business would survive. Businessmen from the northern zone also fear the same. According to some current statements from the Secretary of the Balkh Chamber of Commerce, Arash Younusi, the prolonged election process had left a deeply negative impact on trade activites and dealt a severe blow to security. It had left commerce and trade activities paralyzed throughout the country.

He also urged that the government must take serious steps in this regard to solve the issue; otherwise, the business would further suffer. Muhammad Yousuf Ghazanfar, head of the Ghazanfar Company also called for early election results to prevent further losses. He wanted the government to take the business community into confidence on the current situation.

It is really imperative now that the government must take serious measures to solve the issue. Moreover, both the candidates and the relevant institutions must also play their role in announcing the result and at the same time creating a situation where in both the candidate would be ready to accept the result and put an end to the prevailing distrust and uncertainty.