Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Death of Religion, Dawn of Crime

In man’s search of an ideal society, conflicts are bound to arise between the real and the ideal. This is specially so when we forget to practice what we preach.

In real life, people’s behavior goes against their beliefs; it tramples on the social values of the society.

Religion has some vital guidelines. For instance, about telling lie, backbiting people, using foul languages, breaking promise, violating the rights of others, disparaging the poor, etc. Unfortunately, at times the very opposite is practiced in personal and collective life.

In addition, there are other sets of rules and regulations based on religious instructions and moral standards introduced by law. For example, trampling upon the rights and freedoms of others, terrorizing and threatening people, taking bribes, resorting to violence against others, etc. But do people always follow the law?

Moreover, the susceptibility of culture has added to the problem. As we are in Islamic society, our social values and cultural norms are supposed to be in accordance with the Islamic laws; however, apparently our country is off this track as a result of cultural changes.

Language is one of the cultural traits which is influenced by foreign languages especially by English. Now, using English words in Persian speeches and writings has become a style among our writers and analysts. This is a modern trend.

Our beliefs are also in the process of gradual changes. Nowadays, our youngsters show a great tendency towards secularism. In the real culture of daily life, religion is marginalized. Moreover, the frames of minds are being changed from the traditional into modern particularly among the educated individuals.

Religious and cultural values seem to have eroded in society. Normally, when the beliefs change the values will change automatically, since values originate in beliefs and faith.

Cultural norms move parallel with the values of a society. According to my knowledge, there is a clash between the norms accepted by the younger citizens and the elders. I also believe that the role of youngsters in orienting the society with the others’ cultures is more crucial than the elders. For instance, it is the younger generation that brings new styles and fashions in a society. Hence, the vulnerability of our cultural norms is beyond doubt.

The great dependence of a society’s customs on cultural values and norms is a vital issue. Even though, cultural traits are firm, changes cannot be reversed.

The issue which is a cause for concern is that our culture is changing drastically.

Media play a highly vital role in acculturation and changes affecting our culture. It puts a strong negative impact on the minds of our people especially our youths and children. Currently, many televisions and radios broadcast foreign films and music which are in direct opposition to our religious laws and cultural values. Such changes are very subtle.

Modernity is one of the great reasons behind such changes. It is unacceptable to some people. Modernity has two groups of people in our country. One, a group which does not only resist but also fight against the modern changes and the second group welcomes it with open arms in all its aspects. The first group can be the religious extremists which issue religious fatwa against those who favor modern changes. Such people show a fundamental frame of mind regarding acculturation. But the second group is extremely flexible irrespective of their society’s religious values and social and cultural norms. They embrace modernity and civilization at the cost of their beliefs. Thus, the role of modernity is very prominent in cultural changes.

Morality can be disregarded due to many reasons. There can be inner and outer reasons. For instance, the misbehaviors and malpractices of religious groups such as religious fundamentalists can change one’s positive ideology into a negative one.

Of course, when one lacks moral standards, religious boundaries and prevailing law will not be respected. The role of moral standards in one is the strongest factors that can stop from committing crime. However, if morality dies in the soul of a nation, then crime will rise. It can be concluded that trampling upon moral standards and religious instructions will lead to crime and corruption in a society.

Considering the current social and cultural trends, it can be believed that the future generation will be at risk of further misconception and malpractices. They will not know which lifestyle to adopt and which one to discard. Our pure religious values are falling victim to cultural bombardment. Presently, the old moral standards which were ruling the country for years are being violated openly. This issue compounds the problem.

It is time to revive our religious values and moral standards by a sound understanding of Islam. We have to abolish both radical attitudes and Western modernity which are in contrast to our religious beliefs. Moreover, our culture and tradition will have to be based on our religious and moral values. Let us learn and practice our religious belief in its true way and form a social fabric conducive to the realm of religion and morality. Otherwise, if we continue in the same way, the holiness of religious rules and the value of moral standards will be violated without feeling a tinge of guilt. We have to revive the holiness of religious beliefs and the significance of social and cultural norms.