Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

This is How Repatriates are Welcomed

Friday's bomb attack by Taliban, killed 13 member of a family repatriating from Pakistan. The incident took place in Zabul province when the family was on their way to Nawor district of Ghazni. Is this how Afghan refugees are welcomed in Afghanistan when they return to their own homeland? Yes, it is very unfortunate and death follows everyone in this county.

A country where around 150,000 international troops and more than 250,000 national army and soldier are deployed and despite that security has gone worse with each passing day. Although lingering insecurity has hampered the process of Afghan repatriation, families still continue to come back hoping peace and prosperity have become better than the times when they were compelled to leave their homeland. But they regret coming back. Their trouble doubles due to lack of security, employment opportunities and government's lack of attention.

The highways connecting Afghan provinces have been constructed in the last nine years – thanks to international community. Except in central provinces, main highways in majority of other provinces have been paved. Although roads are constructed, travelling by land is extremely risky for Afghan people due to road side bombs (IEDs), other sorts of attacks by Taliban and presence of robbers. Indeed the Afghanistan roads have gone more dangerous than under Taliban and actually security of roads are more important and preferable for the people of Afghanistan than their construction. The soldiers in the military bases established on the main routes between provinces are limited to only a few kilometers around these bases. The Taliban, on the other hand, is free and therefore, plants bombs and attacks military and non-military caravans that use the highways in Afghanistan. Most of the time, in such attacks, civilians get killed.

According to military sources there have been significant developments against Taliban in southern province as they have been driven out of their hideouts. Not only these achievements are fragile but also Taliban has increased its presence and operations in center, north and other comparatively peaceful regions of Afghanistan. As the Taliban's acts of insurgency grow, hope for a prosperous Afghanistan keeps diminishing.