Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Ruthless Violence against Afghan Women

It is one of the basic rights of human beings to have a secure environment to live in, wherein their lives are not endangered. The government in general and the law and order system in particular have the responsibility to ensure that all the citizens of a country enjoy that right. Though, it is not practically possible in today’s circumstances that all the murders and attempts of murders are eliminated or stopped, but better security arrangements can definitely support in decreasing such crimes to a large extent. The example can be found in the rate of such crimes in the developed and underdeveloped countries. The developed countries, because of their modern and properly managed systems have comparatively less number of crimes than in underdeveloped countries where such systems suffer because of lack of budget, concentration and even intentional negligence.

Afghanistan is one of the countries, wherein the killings and murders have become very common. The law enforcement agencies have not been able to curb the situation and there are many guiltless people who become the victim of ruthless killings. These killings include not only the ones during the clashes and fights with the insurgents but also the murders that are carried out in daylight, because of pity matters. These matters include grabbing money or other possessions, killing girls for going to school or work and killing innocent women for being women.

It is observed in the lives of societies that when instability and disorder hit a country, the weaker people and strata within the society suffer the most. Afghan women form one of the same strata; not because they are weaker in their personalities but because they are treated in that manner by the society. They are kept away from social and politic lives and not given the authority to make important decisions in their families and even in their own lives.

Afghan social structure has been fervently dominated by religious extremism and tribal partiality. Most of the self-designed religious doctrines and tribal norms are against the women and discriminate their basic rights. Regrettably, these norms and principles have even gone to the extent of aggression and have tortured women physically – even in the public. They, in the name of dignity of women, have in reality dishonored them. Though they have been raising their voices every now and then but in the noise of male shrieks they seem to be negligible and get faded away. In fact, the male-chauvinistic ears are not ready to hear them though they feel their vibrations clearly. Nonetheless, the efforts in this regard must never be given up and they should continue in every possible way.

With such a situation existing around, it is really difficult to see development in condition of women who have been undergoing discriminations since ages. Afghan authorities and all the Afghan people, both women and men, must strive to change the scenario as it would help the society as a whole as women are an essential part of it.

We need to accept that women form an integral part of society and have an imperative role to play. Their representation and participation in different walks of life can help society develop suitably. They cannot be kept on being discriminated and violated without letting up, because it is not only non-religious but at the same time atrocious because above all women are human beings. Unfortunately, this evident fact has not been realized by many in Afghan society

Now it can be observed that they are being killed on pity matters and without any major sin or crime. One of the examples is the ruthless murder of the Afghan female journalist in broad daylight in Mazar-i-Sharif. Palwasha Tokhi, who worked for the Bayan Radio station in Balkh, came under attack inside her house near Hazrat Ali (RA) mausoleum in the 3rd police district late on Tuesday. She was stabbed at her own house and currently there are no evident motives of why she was killed in such a cruel manner.

The reason behind this murder can be anything but it should not be forgotten that women can be targeted easily. Their lives are not secure and there are no serious concerns as well, even by the victims’ family members when they are targeted.

Another evidence of the claim is the mysterious murder of two girls in the Injil district of western Herat province. The victims’ bodies with stab wounds and tell-tale signs of hanging were brought to hospital from the Rabat Tarkan area of the district in the afternoon. Public Health Department spokesman Mohammad Rafiq Sherzai told that each of the girls was 18 years of age. He had no further details. According to the news reports 15 females have been killed in the province since March 22nd.     

These sorts of killings must be stopped by the law enforcement agencies and they require taking serious measures in this regard. If these incidents go unchecked and the culprits are not brought to justice, the situation may get worse and the women may be continuously targeted.