Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Controlling ISIS in Afghanistan

Recent news about the increasing influence of ISIS in a number of Muslim countries of the region has emerged as a matter of concern for the public and governments of these countries. Indian government banned the foreign travel of a number of young Muslim citizens who were suspected to go abroad and join ISIS militants in Iraq. In the same way, there were reports in the Afghan and international media that pamphlets were distributed in the bordering areas of Afghanistan and Pakistan in which youngsters were asked to join the lines of ISIS for Jihad. These pamphlets were especially distributed in the remote and bordering towns of Afghanistan as pamphlets were published in both the national languages of the country, i.e. Dari and Pashto. There were also reports that large numbers of similar pamphlets have been distributed in a number of Afghan refugee settlements in Pakistan.

It is unanimously accepted that ISIS is one of the worst forms of radicalism and extremism and its only purpose of existence appears to be destruction. It is the reason why, it has not gained the acceptance among the majority of public and they don’t accept them as representative of the Muslims which they keep claiming. The videos and photos being circulated in the social networking sites like Facebook, Youtube and others have given birth to a kind of perception where people find this extremist group not parallel with the teachings and true identity of Islam. The reports that the group was founded by a number of international players of the world to meet their objectives and it is still funded by some international powers have made people reserved and concerned about this militant group. Its acts of terrorism and mass genocide and mass destruction of the shrines and other holy sites of Islamic saints and elders have added to the public anger against them. However, the group acquired for itself the name of ‘Islamic State’ and then ‘Islamic Caliphate’ to win the support of the large number of Muslims of the region. This tactic is not new that many groups use the name of Islam in order to bring about their own dangerous ambitions.

In the presence of such facts, it is of no surprise that the intellectual class and the majority of the educated members of almost every society are against this group. This is the case in the urban areas and cities of our country but it is not necessary to be the case with the villagers and dwellers of far-flung remote areas who have very less access to the actual sources of news and information. At the same time, they are under the strong influence of the local religious scholars who become much emotional with such bombastic claims as made by ISIS. There are reports that majority of the religious scholars of the remote areas are very much impressed from the motto of ISIS and they are much delighted that long-awaited and ideal caliphate of Islam has been established in Iraq and Syria and they feel their religious duty to put their share in their religiously important work. It is the reason why, they not only rear a soft corner for the group but they are also increasing the public acceptance of the group.

In the light of above facts, any kind of activity of ISIS to increase its influence in the region would be successful in the remote and far flung areas of the country. ISIS would never dare to initiate any such campaign in cities where civil society and media is much aware and educated people are also able to distinguish between the good and the bad. Similarly, the security forces are also alert and active enough to get into action against any such propaganda group. However, in the villages and remote areas, the situation is absolutely different. There, public awareness is very low and people blindly believe in and follow the sayings of religious scholars who can easily become the victims of the shining image of ISIS. Similarly, the security forces are not so strong in these areas that they should be able to take any action against any local or foreign group that should be busy in propagation of ISIS.

If this propagation is left unnoticed, it would provide our foreign enemies with a golden opportunity to hire more and more people in the name of Islamic caliphate to destabilize the country and disrupt the general order and security in the country. Most definitely, when these motivated youngsters, being under the strong spell of the magic of ISIS, will not be able to reach Iraq and Syria to join their fellows, would definitely open a line of terror acts against our security forces. In this way, our enemies would be able to meet their objective of keeping the country backward.

Having a look at the seriousness of the situation, our concerned ministries and security officials need to take this notice of this menace before it gets too late. Right from the beginning, very tight and strict action should be taken against any kind of propagation in favor of ISIS and in this regard, services of religious scholars can be sought. First of all, these religious scholars should be convinced about the true and dark face of ISIS and then they should be requested to show the same true picture to the general public. Any kind of negligence in this regard would be a criminal act and would cost the country a lot in the long run.