Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Handle with Care, the Fragile Government!

The long-awaited resolution of the electoral deadlock came to an end and masses had a sigh of relief. With this, there came immediate positive effects of this power transition when people from different walks of life started feeling very well. It is now hoped that all the doubts and uncertainties about the future of the country will come to an end and country would once again start advancing towards progress and prosperity. The coalition government was immediately congratulated by almost all the powers of the world especially our allied countries of the United States and England. Similarly, the formation of government immediately resulted in the improvement of the image of the country among the international community and it is hoped that the confidence of international donors, welfare NGOs and local and foreign businessmen and investors would also be resumed and country will again start flourishing. This is the only way that we can bring natural stability in the country and can also thwart the dangers of falling of this country into the hands of Taliban and other militant groups.

However, it is also a bitter reality that if present government can be called the success of Afghans on the standstill caused due to the electoral deadlock, the nature of this ‘United’ or coalition government is equally very fragile. Before the two political candidates signed on the agreement to form a unity government, they were the two rival groups in the months after the second round of elections till now. It is also a fact that both the groups were very strong and included of a large numbers of prominent political, tribal and religious figures of the country. The groups were also supported by a number of very influential members of the present government like Army Generals, provincial governors and members of both the houses of parliament. This fact gave rise to the accumulation of the large number of sharp and experienced political brains of the field. It was the reason that, both the parties had the best of advices and guidelines throughout the duration of many months when the results of elections were in a state of uncertainty.

Due to this fact, a number of prominent political figures of both the parties were busy in making appearances in the media and making press releases. The extension of this deadlock can also be credited to all the statements made by the members of these groups because the contradictory and divisive comments and remarks only added to the widening of the gap and worsening of the differences. Realizing the need of the time, we also mentioned in our newspaper a number of times that members of the parties should be careful in issuing press releases and statements to the media and there should be central spokesperson without which no other member should be allowed to make any comment to the media. We are not sure as how much our words were given importance and leaders of these parties issued orders to their members in this regard. But as mentioned earlier, this government is very fragile and sensitive and now country and masses cannot afford any kind of inadvertent remarks or comments by any members of the parties.

The person who gained much fame by issuing statements was the governor of Balkh province, Ata Muhammad Noor, who used fiery language against the government and the Independent Elections Commission for poll rigging. However, his recent statement that he doesn't accept Dr. Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai as the president-elect is much alarming. Such statements, from whichever side they come, can be very detrimental for the existence of the coalition government.

Now, for the sake of the future of the country and welfare of the masses, both the candidates need to talk in a very different tone. It was a very pleasing and wise approach both by president-elect, Dr. Ahmadzai and the Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Abdullah, who didn’t mention any controversial issues and talked of the good things in their first speeches after the agreement for the coalition government. They are the parts of the body of the same government and now they cannot afford to talk against each other. The way these two candidates have shown their political wisdom to settle down for a coalition and united government is really worth-praising and now they need to exhibit the similar wisdom while running the government. It becomes entirely necessary keeping in view the fact that they may come along a number of conflicting issues but they should always prefer the benefits of people and country and from their acts and words should never show that they can compromise on wisdom and decency for emotions and stupidity.

It is also needed that both the heads of the state should now advise their comrades and partners to avoid such comments and press statements that should be against the benefits of the country and may harm this unity government.

There is a long way of five years for the completion of this government and then formation of a new government till which both the heads of state should be very careful in running this country smoothly and not giving any chance to those who might try to acquire their own objectives by fueling the differences between them.