Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Long-delayed BSA Signed

Soon after the oath taking ceremony of the new president, the Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA) between Afghanistan and United States was signed. During a ceremony in Kabul on Tuesday, September 30, Afghan President Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai facilitated the agreement and at last put an end to the stalemate that was created when former President Hamid Karzai had declined to sign the agreement, while a Loya Jirga arranged for the same purpose had voted in the favor of signing the agreement, earlier this year.   

One of the most important aspects of BSA is that it would allow America to have a residual force of around 9,500 in Afghanistan after 2014. There were fears that declining to sign the Agreement would not go in favor of Afghanistan and may generate a power vacuum that can be filled by the insurgents. Signing of the Agreement would definitely have a positive impact on the security situation in Afghanistan and will also support in training Afghan security forces and making them more professional and independent.  

During last few months, there were serious concerns about the future of Afghanistan as uncertainty and ambiguity had crept in because of controversies regarding election and declining economic situation. Nonetheless, the controversies at last ended and the candidates agreed to form a Unity government and now the signing of BSA has further made the situation optimistic. Now, there are hopes that political stability may return to a certain extent and economic situation would improve.

The ceremony on Tuesday also included signing of Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) with NATO, whose combat mission is scheduled to end this year. Speaking on the occasion, President Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai said that Afghanistan would maintain its complete sovereignty under the deal aimed at ensuring the country’s security and warding off threats. The Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA) was in the best interest of peace in Afghanistan, the region and the world at large, he said, insisting the agreement would help strengthen the Afghan security forces.

Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah, who was present during the occasion, also hailed the agreement signing as giant step toward stability in the country. The well-deliberated deals had been signed after long discussions based on Afghanistan’s security requirements, he remarked. He believed the step would have positive effects on the overall security environment in Afghanistan and the wider region. The people would soon realize significance of the pacts, he predicted.

US Ambassador, James B Cunningham also pledged full respect for Afghanistan’s sovereignty and said that they wanted to train and advise Afghan security forces. It would pave the ground for continued US and international aid. The US remained committed to Afghanistan and the BSA signing would facilitate aid delivery and training of Afghan forces. The loya jirga’s decision had proved that an overwhelming majority of Afghans supported the deal, he said.

US president Barack Obama considered signing of BSA as a historic event and he hoped that it would support them to advance their shared interests and long-term security of Afghanistan. He said, "This agreement represents an invitation from the Afghan government to strengthen the relationship built over the past 13 years… It provides our military service members the necessary legal framework to carry out two critical missions after 2014 targeting the remnants of Al Qaeda and training, advising, and assisting Afghan National Security Forces.

There is no doubt in the fact that signing of BSA marks a historic day, it would require committed and determined efforts to follow it practically. Afghanistan would certainly require support from US, but at the same time it is important that the neighboring countries should not consider this deal negative for themselves. Though, Pakistan and India have welcomed signing of the deal, Pakistan would have its concerns regarding the presence of US troops in Afghanistan. At the same time, Iran does not seem to be positive regarding the role of US in Afghanistan. Nonetheless, it is necessary that through diplomatic efforts the new Afghan government must ensure that it safeguards the interests of Afghanistan and at the same time establish healthy relations with the neighboring countries.

Taliban, on the other hand, have condemned the signing of the deal and have said that they would continue their war. Soon after the deal was signed the insurgents have shown their reaction through deadly attacks even in the capital Kabul. On Wednesday, at least seven security personnel were killed and more than 20 others wounded in two separate suicide attacks in capital. At least seven security personnel were killed and more than 20 others wounded in two separate suicide attacks in Kabul on Wednesday, a day after the signing of a security pact with the United States.

Brig. Gen. Humayun Aini, in charge of the police helpline, told that seven Afghan National Army (ANA) soldiers were killed and 15 others wounded when one bomber targeted their bus in Karta-i-Char area.

Moments later, another three soldiers were wounded in a separate suicide attack in Tarakhel neighbourhood of Deh Sabz district. Crime branch Chief Brig. Gen. Farid Afzali said the ANA bus came under suicide attack near the Engineering University.

The incidents are really tragic and ask for serious efforts by the newly formed government to launch a comprehensive strategy against the insurgents and must strive to restore peace and tranquility in the country. However, it must never compromise regarding its sovereignty and authority. At the same time it must welcome the support and assistant from US, international community and neighboring countries.