Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Government Must Act Wisely

First few orders of the new government are really pleasing and they have resulted in the development of a sense among public that this government is going to be different than its predecessor and we can hope something new from it. Under the same sense, the public was able to celebrate and enjoy the festivities of this Eid with happy faces and delighted hearts. The decree of the government to re-open the case of Kabul Bank is good news.

No doubt, Kabul Bank scandal emerged as one of the worst cases of corruption in the country’s history but the way it was handled was really childish and it looked as if it was done to befool the public and make them silent. Almost a billion dollars were looted by dozen more influential people. Due to public pressure, government was forced to open an investigation but the following backup and the penalties were really improper. It was the reason that very little recovery of the lost money was made and millions of dollars of the public money is still missing.

There are also reports that main criminals of this case are in a house arrest but they have been kept in a luxurious house where they have access to all the facilities and they live the most luxurious life. It is the reason why, general public was really angry from the previous government and it also added for the defamation of the government of that time.

There are also some unofficial reports that new government has announced to abolish the holiday of Thursday and after this, all the public employees will be attending the office on Thursdays. Realizing the fact that government employees don’t work properly on Thursdays and they only come to their offices for half day while government had to bear numerous expenses like transportation, food and others, government had declared Thursdays as holidays as well. But new government has issued an order after which government employees will have to attend the office on Thursdays as well. The change was brought keeping in view the fact that general public suffered due to the closure of government offices on Thursdays.

In the same way, the weekly meeting of Ministers was previously held on Mondays in the working hours. Due to this, many roads were closed down for the public and people suffered a lot. Many roads faced the intense traffic pressure and traffic jams created great frustration for the people. Now, government has changed the timing of this meeting and now these meetings will be held on Thursday evenings. It has been decided due to the fact that on Thursday evenings, there is less traffic and very less problems would be created to the public because of this meeting. This news was much circulated and appreciated on social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter and they have again made a good impression for the public about the sincerity of this government.

The signing of the long-awaited BSA deal is also one of the pleasing steps of this government. International community and local and foreign investors were waiting for this deal as it was going to end the uncertainty regarding the future security of the country. Due to the deadlock of this deal, people were very uncertain about the future of the country and large number of Afghans also fled the country. Due to this uncertainty, no investment was done by the international investors and traders and it was slowly eating away our economy. People insisted a lot but last president Hamid Karzai refused to ink this deal.

We are hopeful that many more good steps will be taken by this government. The important thing of this government is the fact that it is lead by two best brains of the country. The President is a Doctor of Philosophy and he has the honor of teaching in some of the prestigious universities of the United States. His abilities, past experience and education are beyond any doubt. In the same way, The Chief Executive is also an educated person and his decades’ long experience of politics is going to benefit the country a lot in making good decisions.

But the government also needs to be careful. For initiating any good work, the members of the government need to be the role models. If they want to show strict behavior towards corruption, they should make sure that none of the members of cabinet, the advisors and other top government officials should be involved in corruption. In the same way, if they want to open the old cases of corruption, it should be done without any discrimination.

Some of the governments, especially of Asia, start bombastic changes in the first few days of their government but later on, they can’t control the consequences of their actions and end up in great mess. It all happens due to the fact that they do so for an artificial show-off and popularity. These acts create temporary uproar but fail to produce any good results in future.

In the same way, the acts of government should not be against the national culture and customs because it may create unnecessary opposition and criticism to the government.

With all these facts in mind, the government has to travel a long way ahead and we can only pray for their success.