Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Security should be in the Priority List of New Government!

Two weeks’ performance of the new government has been quite satisfactory and given hope for people about the resolution of large numbers of problems which have engulfed their prosperity and peace of mind. Acts of government especially of the hopeful remarks and intentions of the President acquired much public acceptance and appreciation. Out of the numerous problems, the biggest problem faced by general public is insecurity and wide-spread criminal acts.

The insecurity can be divided into two broad categories; one associated with foreign elements including of Taliban and other terrorist groups funded and supporter by foreign sponsors. Large numbers of international powers and their spying agencies are involved in this fight in which afghan soil is being used for their own heinous objectives. Second form of insecurity is internal which includes of murder, theft, bribery, shop lifting and numerous other minor crimes. These crimes are committed by organized criminal groups, small thieves or shoplifters and those powerful men who commit crimes under the confidence of their social, political or financial influence and strength.

Even the allied forces were not able to completely finish the terror acts of Taliban and other similar groups. However, their activities increased when the foreign troops announced to leave the country and our Afghan forces started taking over the charge of security of the country. Financial instability and political turmoil has always resulted in the increase of the activities of these foreign-funded groups. Last year, when foreign troops completely ceased their military operations, economic conditions started worsening due to the fear of exit of foreign troops and many-months long process of electoral dilemma added to the worsening conditions of the country, Taliban and other militant and terror groups also increased their activities. They were able to snatch some of the small areas from government forces which were later on captured by our security forces. Worsening economic conditions and a spike in unemployment resulted in the circumstances when large numbers of jobless youngsters were employed by Taliban on the basis of meager monthly salaries. Even today, the highways and rural areas are not safe from their attacks and it is very difficult for a government employee to go to some of the areas of the country. In some rural areas, the writ of government exists only on paper.

Afghanistan has never been free of small criminal groups which rely on different crimes for their bread and butter. The economic conditions of country were always unstable which became the basic reason of the development and breeding of these criminal groups. These groups also became active and the circle of their activities expanded with increased joblessness and worsening of the economic conditions of the country.

Another criminal group which emerged fiercely in last few years is of rich people who commit numerous crimes either for fun or due to their fearlessness from any law or punishment as they are strong enough to be ignored by any law or court. They were involved in crimes like rape, murder, drug smuggling, abduction, and other. They belong to rich and politically and socially strong families of the country due to which they can hardly be caught or tried in any court of law. They have relatives or have good terms with the top officials of police and security forces due to which they are considered above any kind of law. This group emerged due to the extreme corruption which resulted in the accumulation of money in a few hands and this scenario became the base of large number of other social evils.

While talking of the internal crimes, role of police is also dubious and irresponsible. First of all, police has become the group of large number of people who either have criminal background or have associations with the criminals. Our police force is notoriously famous for corruption. A person can easily slip out of the hands of police for small crimes like shop-lifting to major crimes like murder and rape by bribing the police. Non-professional attitude of police is also frightening and common public has a bulk of complaints from this force. Due to rampant corruption, large numbers of police officers have made unbelievable property with their meager salaries.

In front of the new government, tackling the external and internal sources of insecurity appears as a gigantic challenge. External insecurity is a very complicated issue and foreign ministry may have many solutions in this regard. As far as internal security is concerned, government can take many constructive steps. First of all, the police department should be controlled. The property of its officers should be investigated and corrupt officers should be immediately replaced by the honest ones. The method of recruitment in the police force should be checked and improved. Police force should be vigilantly controlled for corruption and political affiliations.

As said by the President, the law should be equally enforced on the poor and the rich and the weak and the powerful. This strategy will bar the rich and influential from committing crimes.

In the same way, the system of courts and judiciary should be made free of black sheep and entire system should be made easy and within the access of poor and less-privileged classes of the country.

With all these efforts, true stability and peace would be ensured which would bring all the blessings of democracy to the country and the citizens.