Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Optimism and Struggle must Continue

Be it Afghanistan or some other countries of the world, some people are so much disappointed of the condition of people that they have a trademark sentence, ‘This nation will never develop and prosper because there are so many problems on all the different levels that we will never be able to finish them and in this struggle, we will finish but our problems will never finish.’ This is true in a sense that different problems on different levels are so rampant, deep-rooted and dangerous that one doesn’t see any beam of hope from future. Let’s take the example of corruption. Starting from the guard of a small office till the top ministers, corruption, bribery and different illegal and illegitimate practices are present on different levels that cannot be cured very easily. There were many optimistic and energetic politicians and reformers who tried their best to curb the corruption in different countries but they failed in their endeavor because the problem was prevalent on such a large scale and was such deeply immersed into the culture of ministries and organizations that the problem remained the same although there were some initial but temporary successes.

The great development of Europe is due to the functioning of some of its universities and political institutes. These institutes are functioning from a number of centuries and they have withstood different kind of turbulent circumstances. Their culture of service is very old and their systematic organization are so effective that many people came and went by but there was no difference to these institutes and they kept functioning to carry the West to the peak of progress and prosperity.

If we assess our institutes, we hardly find any institute that should have attained maturity with time and thus emerged as a very useful institute serving the country.

No doubt, there has always been success in different periods in our country and other less developed countries as well but it was just due to the effort or talent of a limited number of individuals who worked hard in their time but as they left the scene, everything was destroyed.

Individuals have been gifted with a number of personal qualities but if these qualities are not polished by the help of education, they slowly start diminishing and their owners start losing these finest qualities and in the end, they turn into kind of creatures that cannot be easily helped with. When a person is bearing these finest personal qualities, he or she comes into a position when he or she can show an amusing output, whatever the field he or she enters.

Unfortunately, due to political instability, failure to change with the changing world of science and technology, almost all the Muslim countries and numerous other countries of the region failed to preserve the natural abilities of their members and thus faced a decline that was evident from personal, economic and behavioral viewpoints.

The only solution to this problem lies in providing its members with an education that should not only make them more skilled so that they should run their economy and country according to the changing and modern trends of the world but also develop a kind of personality that should be in the best benefit of their country and countrymen and in general, of every member of the world.

But in this regard, we should avoid one serious and grave mistake. The aim of education should not be to bring economic prosperity in the world because it has been noticed that only economic prosperity is not going to solve all the problems. In some of the strong and developed countries of the world, governments are facing with the situation when members of society are acting unethically, thinking only of their benefits and ignoring the loss of the society in general. Using the power on weak, ignoring the rules and behavioral codes and ethical standards and many more are the conditions that depict a problem when there is need of moral education as well so that we should not only produce efficient skilled labor but also produce humans that can feel the sufferings of others and avoid to harm others for their benefits.

In today’s world, when we can observe the nations that have prospered and developed economically but are facing numerous problems regarding the ethics and morality and also those nations that are emphasizing on morality or religious education, ignoring the importance of worldly education, the best strategy to be adopted is to educate the members of society with moral and worldly education so that they should not only be economically successful and prosperous but also work for the betterment of their fellow beings and the society.

In this regard, being Muslims, we have been provided with a perfect system that not only grants us to work for the gain of success in the worldly affairs but asserts more emphasis on the correction of behaviors and attitudes. A person who understands and follows this education will be a person who will have a perfect character, acting to be the most responsible and useful member of the society. On the other hand, he can also acquire worldly education so to take the society to the economic progress and prosperity. This is a dream that will have to be achieved by all the nations of the world in order to experience the true taste of development and permanent success.