Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Thinking the General Public First!

These days, the burning and the most repeated issues are the different acts of President Ahmadzai. Newspapers, television channels and common public at shops, taxis and many other places are busy in talking about different acts of Mr. Ahmadza. His visit to the prison of Pule-Charkhi, his surprise visit to the biggest hospital of Kabul and his visit to a police station are often-repeated and praised. His brisk movements have given optimism to the people and we are seeing people now more and more optimistic about the future of the country. It is also a fact that economy has once again started returning to normalcy and the rate of its recovery from last year’s loss is really impressive.

According to the informed sources from the Palace, Mr. Ahmadzai is not only busy in working day and night for bringing positive changes in the country but he is also busy in establishing teams for different tasks. Majority of his team members are included of young but talented men who have good fame and reputation in the society for their talent and have a good past record.

In his first month, Mr. Ahmadzai has done so many activities that people are expecting much from his government now. It is a fact that ex-president, Mr. Karzai was also an active person but his more than a decade reign could not bring much change in the lives of common people. Though the condition of cities and towns changed and Afghanistan witnessed the best era of its history but it was mostly due to the large amount of international donations that was flowing into the country. Due to massive corruption and nepotism, only a handful of people made fortunes of millions of dollars while millions of common people did not see much change in their lives.

Due to this fact, a common person was struggling to earn its bread and butter and he failed to become an active citizen of the country. On the other hand, a greedy and selfish class came into being that was going to sacrifice anything for its benefits and nothing positive could have been expected from this class. People are hopeful that energetic Mr. Ahmadzai may have many plans for the betterment of the common public so that this deprived class should also gain its self-respect and be an active member of the society. This deprived class includes of millions of Afghans and their motivation would bring actual change in the country.

In order to bring actual change in the lives of common public, the government needs to keep the economic progress in its priority list. In Afghanistan, the inflow of dollar benefitted a small minority class but it also resulted in hyper-inflation. A common man is suffering a lot to make its ends meet. He is earning very less while the cost of living is very high. On the other hand, large numbers of unemployed people are also a danger both for the country and the society. In a true sense, there is not present any sustainable and actual job market. Majority of the jobs are temporary and depend upon the funds of foreign NGOs and international projects and donations. The most important task of the government would be to take such steps so that we should be able to build a natural and sustainable job market. This can be done by establishing large number of industries where hundreds and thousands of people would get jobs. Before this government, the non-cooperative behavior of government institutions and rigid and non-flexible policies were the biggest obstacles for any kind of investment to establish factories. The biggest problem was of AISA that had made so many formalities that opening a factory seemed more difficult than exploring the Mount Everest. In this regard, government should introduce new reforms so that more and more investors should be attracted for making investment in the country.

The second important step would be to collect back the money from those strong and influential people who looted millions of dollars of public. People are much angry not only from those who looted the public money but also from the last government that worked to safeguard them from any kind of punishment and accountability. At present, our economy is going through the most difficult times due to the shortage of funds. If government starts investigation of thousands of people who made gigantic property in last 13 years, it would be able to recover millions of dollars from them. This would not only uplift the overall economy but would also give a positive message to the general public that the government is the true representative of them. The step would then make them feel better and they would support the government in the letter and the spirit.

The governments depending on different factors might last for some years but they are not going to be successful in long run if they fail to address the issues of common people. By making policies in favor of the deprived classes, government would earn the long-lasting support of the majority of the country.