Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Blood – The Starting Point of History

Sometimes a word evokes a particular memory or sense of feelings. For instance, “Florence” is not only a name for location but also tells a story and a biography. Moreover, it is the name of a modest and selfless woman – who was really a symbol of modesty, selflessness and purity. This term always recalls me of her humanity.

“Blood” evokes a deeply historical meaning in human history – especially in Islamic culture. In other words, human history starts with blood which polarizes the men. When Cain slew Abel, it was the first drop of blood shed on Earth and the first ever sin committed upon Earth but Abel was chronicled in history as one of the first believers and as the first ever martyr. The Abel’s tribe was filled with a strong feeling to avenge his death. This animosity was recorded in the heart of history and went on for centuries, yet continues. 

Before the dawn of Islam, Arabs lived in a tribally structured Peninsula where one member of an ethnic group was representing the whole. For instance, when one of a tribe’s members was insulted, the feelings of all the members were hurt – the same culture rules in some villages and remote areas of our society. Moreover, when the blood of a tribe’s member was shed by another member of a tribe, the whole members were filled with a sense of avenge. On the other hand, although the killer was only one person, nonetheless his entire ethnic group was considered murderer. Hence, the murderer’s tribe owed blood to the murdered one. Thus, the murdered tribe had to retaliate. Mettle was construed as not shouldering the burden of “blood” and whoever intended to overlook and give up avenging, he would be cursed and lacked honor. Likewise, the head of a tribe was representing all the members and whenever he pledged allegiance to a person, it was also considered the allegiance of his tribe.

Holy Prophet (PBUH) had a highly tough obligation to fulfill. He was supposed to break the tribal structure and found a cultural and civil society based on religious beliefs, morality and virtue. Since, the traditional mentality was established in the mind of the public within the centuries and handed over from their forefathers, breaking was next to impossible. Who dared breathe a word, in such a traditional community, to put their superstitions under question? No one could, but he who had the courage to risk his life. It was none but the holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

The holy Prophet (PBUH) made a cultural and mental revolution – through breaking their long-established custom and culture – and founded a new humane and rational culture. He changed the tribal blood into ideological and humane blood. In other words, he emptied their culture from superstition, barbarity, revenge, tribalism, and filled it with morality, humanity, rationality, religious beliefs, virtue and brotherhood. In short, one of the great changes the Prophet (PBUH) made was the concept of blood – which was rooted deeply in the custom, cultural and history of Arabian Bedouins. Again the tribe and tribal relations were polarized not on the basis of race and blood – as before – but on the basis of thought and faith. Now, there are two new tribes: “the Devine tribe” – which has pledged allegiance to God – and “the Devil’s tribe” – which has pledged allegiance to Satan. Still a revenge for blood continues between the two new tribes, the concept of blood has been changed, however. The Cain’s tribe still owes blood to Abel’s tribe and it is an obligation on Devine party to take revenge, as it was started in the beginning of human history. The heart of history is still bleeding and Cain is considered a murderer in the history.

One will conclude that the Devine and the Devil’s tribes were polarized from the beginning of history and originated in the conflict of Adam’s sons, Cain and Abel. Abel was the first believer and the first martyr of Adam’s son and Cain was the first murderer who pledged allegiance to Satan. Hence, it is really surprising to see that the term of “blood” is the philosophy of Islamic history and amazing to see that the history starts with a drop of blood! It should be noted that understanding Islam is not possible without understanding the two parties or tribes. So, the current polarization of human society roots in history and the religious group is the heir of Abel.

The issue of heredity is a new point which starts in the history and the Prophets substituting the previous ones are, in fact, their heirs. They were supposed to complete the uncompleted tasks and responsibilities of the earlier prophets.

In the history of Shia sect, Imams are the heir of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and had to carry out the very responsibilities placed upon the shoulder of the holy Prophet (PBUH). Imams were supposed to preach the right path and prevent from the erosion of Islamic Sharia – which was established by the Prophet. Imam Husain (A.S) was also the heir of Abel’s blood and of the Prophet (PBUH). He felt moral responsibility to take sword against the Devil’s tribe – that was spreading cruelty and moral corruption in human society. Imam Husain’s (A.S) blood added to the Abel’s blood in history and revenge continues between the Devine and the Devil’s tribes.