Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Fears of Political Deadlock in Unity Government!

As feared, the unity government is facing the problem in coming up with a mutually agreed upon cabinet. A lot has been said in the media about the absence of ministers as present ministers are working only as supervisors and they are not rendering their duties much efficiently. Due to this fact, the work in public offices has almost jammed and people are suffering a lot due to the deadlock in the finalization of new ministers.

According to some internal sources, there has been a deadlock between the President and the Chief Executive over the distribution of ministries among their supporters. Although the terms of distribution of power were all agreed upon in the agreement for the united government between the two heads of state but such a disagreement was always feared as the terms of agreement were not much clear in all respects. According to the same sources, this is not the first disagreement faced by this government; rather there were a number of issues that could have given birth to a political deadlock which were averted by the sensibility of either of the heads.

Although the agreement for a united government was reached to avoid the political and economic uncertainty in the country and it was the call of the time as well but according to political experts, such an agreement could have not been supported on any grounds. In any part of the world, there was never formed a government that should have been included of two heads with equal authority. In the parliamentarian system as well, where the country is headed by Prime Minister and President, the role of president usually remains monumental and actual powers lie with the prime minister. Due to this arrangement and clear distribution of power, there has never been any kind of clash between these two prime power-holders. At the same time, both the heads are mostly elected from the same party due to which they both follow the same agenda. But in case of our unity government, there are a number of factors that are both interesting and dangerous. First of all, they belonged to two different groups with absolutely different agendas and plans. During the election campaign, both the groups launched serious verbal attacks on each other, taking the opposition to a new height. After the elections as well, the results were delayed due to the disagreements between the two parties. Due to intense pressure from inside and outside the country, both the leaders agreed upon the formation of a unity government which could have been a success on a temporary basis but such a unity government was always going to be a tough task for both the leaders.

Five long years are remaining until the new elections are held and a new government is formed but until then, there would be a number of occasions when this government will face the issues when both the heads will have serious disagreements. The disagreements have emerged and will keep emerging due to a number of reasons. First and most important is the clash of benefits as both the groups may have their different objectives. Secondly, there are large number of people in both the groups who believe in discrimination on the basis of race and language. Same ethnic differences were used by both the groups during the election campaign which was criticized by national and international media. There are reports that members of a specific ethnic group were appointed on a number of high posts in police and other security forces. Once again, the new high-ups of police and security forces are going to be nominated where members of different ethnic groups are trying hard to secure more and more share. With these, so many other disagreements are going to hang like the Sword of Damocles on the head of this government.

However, it must not be forgotten that the present unity government stands as the final hope for this country. There were fears that international community will leave the country alone and country might fall back into the hands of Taliban and other militant extremists. The economy was on the verge of destruction and political deadlock was going to ruin all the benefits of last decade of democracy. In such critical circumstances, the unity government was formed and if this government failed to complete its term and dissolved due to any kind of political crisis, same perils might surround the country. In this regard, the prime responsibility lies on the shoulders of both the heads, namely the President, Dr. Ashraf Ghani and Chief Executive, Dr. Abdullah. Both the leaders will have to be cautious about a number of factors in this regard. First of all, they should be aware of those who are close to them and who might misinform and lead them astray in order to meet their own benefits. Secondly, they should not consider their personal aims and advantages when deciding upon an issue of broader national interest. They should also be equally aware of their personal egos and emotions and none of their sentiments should lead them to a wrong decision.

Like the deadlock in the distribution of ministries, there can be many serious disagreements in future which is hoped to be avoided by the patriotism and wisdom of both the leaders.