Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Child and Decapitated Beggars

Afghanistan’s poor economy is a global fact and dilemma. Whereas the urban and rural population of the country are faced with innumerable problems, that is why country is not effectively contributing towards development.

Afghanistan is still one of the poorest countries in the world and thus there are struggles for reviving the economy in the country. There is an opportunity to be seized, the presence of international community, but it is also clear that international community only provides guidelines for survival, however the most important function and responsibility remains for the government and the other concerned organs inside the country.

As Afghanistan is considered to be in the countries of the third world, as this category is occupying almost the 2/3 of the world’s population. The third world countries are, therefore, confronted with financial and economic troubles and have to depend on foreign sources. That is why to combat the instability, poverty and corruption, along with increased multinational presence, is the best way for the Afghanistan‘s travel towards progress.

Children and minors have been utilized for committing crimes of various kinds since long – robbery, selling drugs, sexual abuse etc. Countries of the world - mainly developing and under developed nations - have set their feet on the rights of children, albeit almost all nations have signed international regulations on rights of children. In some of the other Arab countries, for example, children trafficked from third world countries are used as camel jockeys. Over the last decade children, who are as innocent as angels, have increasingly been used for executing terror attacks in Afghanistan, mainly for suicide attacks. The trend which was actually initiated by Al Qaida, have gained more focus of Taliban in the recent years.

This is a very dangerous trend. Already the children in Afghanistan are suffering due lack of security and poor economic condition, their use in crimes, specifically, terrorism would have horrifying prospects. Afghanistan’s future is highly dependent on the children nurturing today. Attempts of militants to develop extremism among the children and youth may have far destructing outcomes for us. Such acts by Taliban further prove that they do not belong to religion of Islam, as Islam completely bans violence on children and their use in crimes.

Kabul is the capital, it is the economic and political center of Afghanistan but the most unexpected scenes and incidents can be observed in Kabul city. It is the task of concerned government officials and offices to manage discipline in the city and clean it from either evils, corrupt people and as well as all illegal acts. Child labor is a great problem all over the world, but city discipline is also an important function of concerned government offices, especially if that is the capital city.

People complain about existence of uncountable elderly disabled and decapitated people in different parts of Kabul city. Such people have either been decapitated by Taliban for crimes or have lost their organs in the anti-Russian or civil conflicts. They are brought to the city center streets with worst situation to portray their disabled body organs to people so as to beg money. The issue of "Spandi Children" who paddle tin cans of smoke to helpless passengers in transit is something very evident in all parts of Kabul city. Children that belong to the most destitute families are sent to streets to ignite Spand in shops and cars for getting money. On the other hand, presence of decapitated children in Kabul city bazaar is another matter of great concern, they are completely decapitated and are compelled to shout for money and help from those who pass by.

It is never clear for the government and people whether the disabled children, whose feet or hands are cut, belong to any possible criminal organization or individual or they are of poor families. Those disabled elderly men and women who are in the most important parts of the city, belong to the category affected by wars. Afghanistan’s government has a ministry which holds the responsibility of managing affairs of Martyred and Disabled people. The question that is created here is that what is the existence philosophy and reason for such a ministry in government framework? As it has not been able yet to collect and feed countable disabled people from city center; front side of ministries, vicinity of presidential palace and other parts of city where foreign and important national institutions exist.

On the other hand, it seems that all the budget and efforts are based on just decorating the municipality and installing useless photos around it. The main task of organizing city and providing master plans for managing its affairs is still very far from the Kabul municipality. It is undoubtedly the first or the second duty of municipality officials to collect disabled children, who are disturbing mentalities of all in front of the jewellery shops and corrupt women who carry children for begging money. Presence of such people defames the country at all.

Consequently, the municipality and other concerned organs have the responsibility to protect discipline in the city by segregating different categories especially the disabled elders and children so that they don’t disturb citizens.