Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Terrorism, A Universal Threat

Terrorism, at present, is on its full swing in the world. Every now and then, the mind blowing news of atrocity and harassment are being heard or read worldwide. There isn’t any place left where safety may be assured. People all over the world live in absolute unrest and anxiety over the said matter. Roadside bomb blast, suicide bombing, target killing, robbing, and many more are what papers are filled of.

According to Media reports, on Monday November 17, 2014, Two women have been killed in northern Faryab province, increasing the number of females killed in the province this solar year to 18. Faryab crime branch police chief Col. Sarbeland Hasham said that a 37-year-old woman had been shot to death with a pistol in the Pashtunkot district. He said the mother of two children was killed by her brother as a result of a family dispute. The killer has been arrested. The police official did not explain the nature of the dispute.

Not only this but also many other incidents like this has been continuously taking place to affect the region as a whole. This happening and many like these are the order of the day. Once rightly said by former Afghan President Karzai that the terrorism is a universal threat, there is hardly any country in the world whose interests are not being affected by these sorts of violent and vicious incidents. Yet still, the unbridled sinister activities of anti-human elements are on rise despite all possible preventive measures taken by the countries. So far, the traces of motives behind these events are unknown to the governments. Most important is to stop the rampant looking flow of such inhume acts, which for sure needs rather hard work. The policies are to be reviewed in this context for congruent adaptation required to cope the presently gruesome matter of terrorism. On the enforcements of earnest efforts and policies, the intensity of the present ongoing terrorism should surely subside in rather little time.

What so ever is sowed by the governments are to be harvested in one or the other form. The principle in cause and effect is what one needs to ponder upon. The present fight against terrorism would not bear the desired fruit until the causes are diagnosed and proper treatment is arranged. Here lies in fact the permanent remedy of the existing pest. Analyses made to deal with the said matter would ease off the tension mounting in this respect. Blind and unnecessary use of power may aggravate the peace process even if conditions are seemingly favorable. Only and only prudent and calculating measures taken by the government are what that go on the benefit of the state as a whole. Urgency to meet the wanted repercussions can induce the evil forces and, as a result, things may not go, the way they should.

The feelings of insecurity are by and by increasing to affect individuals in particular, some of the time on increase; it can likely drift a man toward complexes of certain types on account of extreme fear.

So, the policies of the government should not clash with the interests of a common man dwelling in a boundary under its influence. If so, then such sadistic incidents would over and over again be taking place to annihilate the mental rest and peace of individuals.

On continuous happenings of such sorts, it would be hard for people to spend their life in most desirable way they want, for the same purpose today, billions of dollar are being spent to ensure the security for people.

On the other hand, the emergence of The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant/Syria or ISIL/ISIS has been a growing part of the story but few anticipated the dramatic turn taking control of half of Iraq and many important cities and towns and a decent portion of Syria. And they are not only taking land and resources, ISIL have been spinning the PR and establishing their organisation. One aspect of ISIS's success receives too little attention. Its prestige has been enhanced across World.

In short, the radical causes are to be traced to terminate violence in any form or shape.

World politics has extensive impact over the present ongoing moments of unrest. Most of such elements are the production of unjust and improper attention to core issues. On resolving and settling their dispute, we can put an end to such violence against the mankind; otherwise, it would go on and on to further devastation and humiliation on humanitarian grounds. With hope that in oncoming days, brighter and more graceful future of the whole nations would make all of us feel pride that we put our due contribution to ensure security and safety of man of every race, doctrine, and belief.