Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Initial Investigation of Attack on Kabul Police Chief Office?

Almost two weeks ago, a suicide bomber was able to enter the Police Headquarters in Kabul where he detonated himself, killing the office manager of Police Chief and injuring six others. After the initial investigations, the Police Chief announced that the suicide attack was transported inside the building by a vehicle belonging to one of the high-ranking government officials whose cars are not usually checked at the entrance. However, the Police Chief refused to give further details in this regard and the identity of the government officer was kept secret. The Police Chief also refused to make comments about future actions of his office in this regard.

Four years ago, a similar attack was carried out to the office of Ministry of Defense in Kabul. The suicide attacker was taken in by an influential officer of the ministry and his name was also made public at that time. The concerned ministry officials pledged to take necessary action in this regard but after that, no follow-up was made of the horrific incident and still, public and media is waiting to learn about the outcomes of investigations of the incident and punishments given to the perpetrators.

Last year, the attack on Serena Hotel of Kabul was also full of doubts. According to media reports, the attackers had hidden small guns under their shoes and taken them into the hotel despite having strict security checking. While there were rumors that the attackers were provided with guns inside the hotel and these guns were provided by a person having good position in the security of the hotel. It was also a fact that except having its own security, the important hotel is also given security by local police personnel. Media reports also showed police officers being involved in the incident. Security officials announced to carry out thorough investigations of this attack but Afghan public is still waiting for the outcomes of this investigation. In this case as well, the concerned authorities safeguarded the identity of those security and police officials who had their hand in this attack.

Now that majority of the ISAF (International Security Assistant Forces) have pulled out of Afghanistan, the green on blue attacks have also become very less. In these attacks, members of Afghan security forces attacked the members of international forces, mostly including of NATO and US. There were reports that Taliban have strong influence inside Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) which become the basis of these attacks. We had expressed our reservations in this regard and suggested a thorough investigation within the lines of Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) so that police and army members with extremist thoughts should be identified and removed and ANSF be cleared from such dangerous elements. Unfortunately, these suggestions were not taken seriously and the problem ended with the withdrawal of foreign forces, otherwise, the situation could have not been much different.

Although it has not been made public but Taliban unofficially claim that they have their well-wishers in every ministry and office of government due to which they successfully carry out their targets in the most-secured zones of the country. Their claim has been verified by a number of attacks in which top government officials were involved in providing different assistance to them. The recent attack on tightly secured compound of Kabul Police Chief and a number of other attacks verify their claims.

However, our concerned ministries and officials have failed to bring any of the perpetrators into justice. The perpetrators were either too strong that no one dared to touch them or they had the support of influential members of cabinet. Some people also believe that some of the important ministers are behind these attacks. Some go even beyond this and claim that international powers are involved in destabilizing the security in the country so that they should have a moral reason to support their prolonged stay in Afghanistan and the region as a whole. 

The Attack on the office of Kabul Police Chief has given rise to an extreme feeling of insecurity among the general public. They are of the view that if highly guarded office of Kabul Police Chief is not safe from the terrorists, how can they feel safety in their houses and workplaces. If similar attacks are not stopped and supporters of Taliban and other terrorist organizations are not caught, they might one day attack the Presidential Palace, creating great turmoil in the country.

Whatever may be the reasons, the recent incidents should not be left unnoticed and treated like the past events as it will give birth to another such incident in future. This time, a proper investigation should be carried out and the perpetrators should be brought into justice without considering their political or official influences. If foreign powers are involved in such attacks, they should also be treated equally so that they should not use their authority to destabilize the country in future.

Though Police Chief refused to disclose more details of the attacker, general public and media would be waiting for more details in this regard. It would be really disastrous and disappointing if this incident was also covered like the past ones and no proper action was taken.