Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

War, Weariness and Old Clichés

It seems that all the observers, officials and people involved in the war in Afghanistan are concerned about the future of gains and achievements made by Afghan people and international community over the last ten years after the withdrawal of foreign forces from the country. The reasons for these concerns remain legitimate because the forces of evil that have been fighting against the government and a democratic system and process over the last one decade have not received the final blow and thus are gaining momentum and strength.

International community have decided and begun to draw down their troops from this war-hit country. Afghanistan government and national security forces are yet to build the capacity to defend the country and protect the citizens on their own. The outgoing U.S. ambassador, Karl Eikenberry, has said that there could be pitfalls ahead as the international troops are leaving Afghanistan. In an interview with the New York Times, Eikenberry has said, "One of the hard parts of leaving is you just don't know how some of the big things are going to turn out."

Critics of premature departure are also worried about the repercussions and the fact that the enemy is still strong and Afghanistan government is unable to continue to build on the progresses of the past ten years. US Senator John McCain, the 2008 Republican presidential candidate, who recently toured Afghanistan, has said that the Obama administration is taking an unnecessary risk in drawing down the number of U.S. troops in Afghanistan. Appearing Sunday on CNN's "State of the Union," Sen. McCain said none of the U.S. military commanders has recommended the drawdown.

Unfortunately, on the other hand, some of the U.S senators have even been trying to advocate for the early completion of drawdown as they wrote to New York Times, "We commend the president for sticking to the July date he had outlined for beginning the withdrawal. However, his plan would not remove all regular combat troops until 2014. We believe the United States is capable of achieving this goal by the end of 2012." They have suggested that there seems to be no window for Afghanistan to become a strong nation, saying "Let's not forget that Afghanistan has been a tribal society for millenniums."
Do not Afghans really deserve to emerge as a democratic nation or all these statements stem from being tired of ineffective war? We believe that these are just the old clichés and should not be used as a base for justification of abandonment or war weariness.