Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Perilous Delay in Cabinet Formation!

The delay in the formation and announcement of new cabinet is worsening the conditions of country more than the expected. The lengthy process of elections and deadlock in the formation of a government had created so many threats to the country. The country had come to the verge of absolute destruction. Militancy had increased so much that some of the parts of the country had permanently fallen into the hands of militants and Taliban. The security conditions in the major cities and especially in Kabul was so frightening that people had started losing their trust on our security forces. All the economic transactions came to a complete halt, creating so many problems for the daily wagers who were suffering their daily bread. Due to uncertainty and insecurity, all the local and foreign investments ceased, eating away the overall existence of the economy.

After the long awaited unity government was established, everyone had a sigh of relief. This positive step had its immediate impacts. The economy at once started functioning properly, security conditions improved and fears of the control of some areas by Taliban and militants was averted and in the end, everyone in the country developed a hope that country would once again keep advancing on the path of prosperity and development.

The initial days of the unity government were also pleasing. The active style of government, especially the brisk movements of our president brought a lot of hope to all and it gave birth to an overall air of confidence to all. Soon after his arrival into the presidential palace, the president announced that present ministers, governors, the heads of security and other important officials will work as acting heads until the nomination of new office-holders. In this regard, government announced to announce the new cabinet in the least time possible. However, after almost four months, the government has failed to finalize the names of ministers for the new cabinet.

According to the internal reports, two heads of state have not yet agreed on the names of ministers. The ministers recommended by the President and the Chief Executive have not been liked by them and they are not in mutual agreement on the names. It is a situation which is going to turn out even more harmful than the conditions that prevailed in the country during and after the elections when the country was in a dilemma of electoral deadlock.

It is also a fact that soon after the establishment of the unity government, an intensive series of attacks were carried out in Kabul and large numbers of foreigners residing in the city were targeted. However, it was the part of the plan of militants to destabilize the new government and it was quite normal after they failed to foil the election process and enthusiastic participation by people in this election failed their plans to promote chaos in the country.

However, the present delay in the introduction of new cabinet is also no less dangerous and threatening to the country. Once again, the uncertainties have started circulating in the air and rumors and fears are also again on the move. The situation has been deteriorated by the handover of the security of country by NATO to our security forces.

Due to the delay in the announcement of new cabinet, the wheel of work in all government offices has  come to a complete halt. The ministers are no more interested in their responsibilities as they are certain that they are no more going to stay in power for long. Due to this attitude of ministers, all the people working under them are also in the same condition and they are not ready to listen to people who keep knocking on their doors. Due to the failure of work of ministries and important government offices, large numbers of relevant offices or stakeholders are also suffering. The investment has stopped, businesses have come to a halt and overall condition of economy is in bad conditions. Due to this reality, the common person is the most suffering victim. A common man is once again suffering to earn its daily bread and is suffering a lot to get its work done from government offices.

In this winter, this uncertainty has also resulted in the shrinking of businesses and the resultant inflation. This inflation of prices has given birth to large number of difficulties to those who earn on daily basis. It is feared that if the conditions persisted, it would help militants when large number of unemployed people might join their lines to earn bread for their families.

We are sure that both the heads of state might be equally aware of the situation of common public. They might be aware that delay in the formation of cabinet and ministers is not only going to have bad impacts on people but it would also effect negatively the overall reputation of the government. We are certain that there may be a number of opposing thoughts among them but they need to see the picture in a broader view and prefer the benefits of people. The increased delay in the cabinet announcement would only add to the miseries of people which would not be the desire of any of the heads of government.