Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Incumbent Government Should Stand Firm to Awaiting Issues

Afghanistan is a nascent democratic state, governed by ruling elites, consisting of state institutions; judiciary, executive, legislative body, media and large standing army making it unbeatable. Following successful formation of unity government, the masses begin to eye the proper resolution of multifaceted problems, waiting their fates for long. There is some problem with cabinet formation given an all-encompassing government usually comes across similar problem. The government must go past this stage, to enter into next stage of getting across problems. Some of the pleading problems are highlighted below.

Afghanistan faces daunting challenges – poverty is one of the challenges pressing it hard. 36% of 30m population lives below poverty line including endemic poverty and lack of human capacity, insecurity weak governance and institutionalized corruption; opium exports equal to 22% of gross domestic product; rampant gender inequality; and policy, regulatory, and institutional constraints that have limited effective growth in public and private sectors. The government that assumed the office must work out a tangible plan, downsizing the problems. The dream of a progressive Afghanistan could not materialize even subsequent to installment of democratic setup.

Our beloved motherland passes through diverse security, political and economic troubles. Every problem has got its own dynamics and demands a variant solution. Putting cognitive abilities into practice the public officials can reduce the size of problems if they can’t eradicate them. The politicians representing their electoral constitution not necessarily should come up to the expectation of their Electoral College but to the voice of faithfulness and sanity. 

Afghanistan faces multifaceted issues. After a decade long period of rule, the government couldn’t avert the escalating graph of despondency. Neither the rule of law, administrative accountability enforced nor elimination of social ills, terrorism and corruption materialized. However, the politics of allegation and counter allegation was well exercised worth seeing. Sometimes foreigners were accused of evil practices sometime international community, the government remained the icon of achievements. High ranked public officials senior politicians involved in bank scandals and corruption, Taliban involved in sever human rights violation, were not brought to book and that seemed not the government’s concern or priority. Consequently, multiple unresolved problems were left to the new government.

Despite countless challenges left to the new government to face, financial management will be the biggest problem pleading immediate attention. To provide a sustainable backup to its financial needs, the government relies on loans accompanied with handsome amount of interest. According to finance commission head, the total loans amounted 2 billion Afghanis which were received from World Bank (WB) nine times, Asian Development Bank (ADB) 14 times, once from IMF, Islamic Development Bank (IDB) four times and Saudi Arabia Monitory Agency two times. A good amount is earmarked for interest of these loans. The international community lending a helping hand by providing aids to Afghanistan should be relied the most that can be done by establishing better relationships with them.  The government can only get rid of these loans and interests by executing short term and long term plans, playing supportive role in hasty growth of business. Additionally, there are many other recommendations the international community anticipates of Kabul government to get done earning their confidence for future funding, amongst which maintenance of human rights stand prior. It should be learned that Afghanistan cannot develop without a sustainable economical road map drawn and implemented that grants them financial independence. The state of self reliance can only be achieved when heavy investments are made in the field of human resource developmental programs.

In addition to financial independence, Afghanistan is in dire need of socio-political assistance and trained official in all fields of human endeavors. Any country extending selfless services must be warmly received. In that pursuit a cordial relationship must be developed and tried to preserve the previous ones. Afghanistan was pushed to directionless avenues of battered relation with international community, which will not certainly serve Afghanistan’s interest.

Law and order and security concerns remain to be another obstacle on the way to successful Afghanistan. The government must enforce rules that will make it possible for Afghans to live together without conflict. Harmony promoting education and equitable distribution of resources and services narrows down the differences whilst paving the way for peaceful coexistence. There is a documented existence of law and with negligible application or prejudicial application, serve none’s interest. Seeing the worsened state of affairs, sometimes one reaches to conclusion that “might is right and haplessness is curse”. In our beloved country, seemingly, the militants and none-state actors have grown to an extent that easily evades the loosely held net of law and order and turn triumphant.

The government and public officials must now realize that the dream of a vibrant, progressive and developed Afghanistan can only materialize provided that a handsome amount of budget is allocated for education, health, infrastructure and governance. We must learn it that a healthy, literate and well governed Afghanistan is a secure and developed Afghanistan.