Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Gains of NUG after First 100 Days

Tuesday marked the National Unity Government’s (NUG) first 100 days in the office. The first 100 days of performance of incumbent unity government was commemorated with a huge explosion in Jalalabad city that claimed the life of a judge and injured two children. The explosion marks the notoriety of worsened security condition, pleading hastened consideration. The negligible betterment in security condition of the country can hardly be accorded with. Seeing the ground realities concerning security dynamics and its determinants, one can falsely believe the feasibility of its immediate security aversion. However, the security condition will serve as a significant indicator marking the performance of the government. The government, hence, is bound to lay primary attention towards security condition.

With exception to security matters, the decade long war stricken nation, align numerous anticipations of formerly installed government. The government should learn, the honeymoon period over and should come up with its executive body, as piles of unaddressed problems accompanied with multiple issues are awaiting them.

Previously, president whilst talking to elected PC members appreciated young members whilst briefing them on issues and challenges faced by Afghanistan. The president linked the country’s development to its security. A peaceful and harmonious Afghanistan not only attracts foreign investments but also paves ways for rapid economic and socio-political growth. Peace can be installed in this piece of land owing pro-progressive or progressive ideology in practice.

Formerly, when President Ghani was inaugurated on Sept. 29, he promised to announce a cabinet in 45 days. Undoubtedly the delay, naming the cabinet was a serious matter of concern for masses, which left far-reaching negative impact on the government’s performance. It has been three months that the ministries are being run by caretakers. The delay in naming the cabinet reflects that the president and CEO still have a lot of differences. Consequently, dozens of unresolved cases are pending, due to absence of concerned authorities. This directly adds to miseries of ordinary masses and strengthens their complications.

The reopening of high profile case of embezzlement of Kabul Bank is good sign of government’s willingness to tackle corruption. The unity government seems to be committed to eliminate corruption from government offices. Certainly, the misuse of position of authority and public resources by public officials is yet another issue plaguing the functioning of the government. If such evil practices continue unchecked under the very nose of government, the improvement will never be dreamt of. The rampant graft by officials, stumbles the credibility and the economy likewise. Absolutely, corruption renders not a decline in government’s performance but also causes socio-political downfall.

Formerly, a report was launched “SadRoz.af” to assess the degree of satisfaction, people align to the performance of government subsequent to assumption of office.  “The unity government achieved four of its campaign promises so far and made progress in 23 others. At least 83 more promises remained untouched” the report read. The report documented the promises of both leading candidates in the runoff election and launched on inauguration day containing 100 promises made both by President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Abdullah Abdullah. Of the four promises achieved, one pertains to peace and security, the second one is good governance, one in socio-cultural but no progress could be made to improve the aid-dependent economy. The report stated that the government invested more on governance, peace and security and less on economic and socio-cultural issues.

The straightening of better relationship with Pakistan and US, not mentioned in the report, should be deemed, one of the greatest achievements of incumbent government. It inherited battered relation with two important countries but was reformed. Moreover, president signed, on its second day in office, the long left, Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA) with the US and a Status of Force Agreement with NATO, which helps earning the confidence and persistent support of international community. On the other hand the widening mistrust found between Afghanistan and Pakistan, regarding security issues, had eroded the working relation of the two countries. Previously, President Ghani paid a detailed visit to Pakistan that helped out to carve the foundation stone of improved and friendly relation with its neighbor.

One of the crippling issues Afghanistan is facing is the high ratio of unemployment which has encouraged immigration, crimes, smuggling and corruption. The masses are looking forward for generation of vacancies in different departments. The graduation to job ratio is highly unbalanced. The market is greatly saturated with unemployed individuals who are seeking jobs. Hardly some of them can be accommodated in some departments. The government has to come up with clear and well defined plans and strategies that could take lay down solution to this very problem.

The government is left with piles of challenges and problems; most of which are inherited and the rest are the product of lethargy. It should learn that only relational discourse put into action can reduce the size of problems and earn a prestigious repute to this piece of land. Afghanistan is mired in deep challenges and miracle should not be expected from it overnight. The government contains every faction of society, complicates and lengthens the process of decision making. Despite, innumerable challenges the government must ensure their sincere and timely services to the nation counts multiple. While distributing the ministries the person with high repute and fame and dignified services must be given foremost priorities. Afghanistan can only prosper only when fair decision and fair persons are hoisted to great positions.