Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Public Support for Security Forces!

The task of our security forces can easily be termed as the most difficult in the world. There is not present any force that should be constantly in war for more than a decade. There is also not present a force, members of which should be in the constant threat for their lives. In the same way, there is not present any force that should have sacrificed so many lives and yet not ready to give up and every drop of blood adds more life to their commitment and enthusiasm.

There is a long list of the sacrifices of our forces. If we are safe at our homes today, it is because of the incessant vigilance of our security forces who keep a close check at all the enemies, both from inside and outside the country. Our security forces have also shown their best performance even in the circumstances that were disappointing. Now that our forces have taken the complete control of the security of the country, it is the time to realize their importance and salute them for their sacrifices.

In this regard, last week was quite pleasing as a number of gatherings were arranged in order to admire the sacrifices of our security forces. A number of civil society groups had arranged demonstrations in support of our security forces by arranging a parade in the uniform of security forces. The demonstrations were arranged in Kabul and a number of other cities of the country in which a number of our parliamentarians also took part.

Though the security condition in the country is still not satisfactory and we are still living in the condition of uncertainty but having a look at all the different factors responsible for these conditions, we still feel proud on our security forces. When the democratic government was formed after the ouster of Taliban, the country had nothing in the name of forces or military and everything had to be started from the scratch. In the limited time of 12 years, our security forces not only emerged as a strong and capable force but their number has improved so much that now they are able to control the security of the country. The threats faced by our forces cannot be compared to any other country’s security threats. Our forces not only face large number of external enemies but they are also facing a number of enemies from inside the country. Externally, our security forces are facing the conspiracies of a large number of international spying agencies. It is now clear that Afghanistan has been chosen as a battle field by the major powers of the world and their battle is being fought by their spying agencies. Billions of dollars are spent by these agencies and every day, hundreds of plots are being put into practice. It is the dedication and vigilance of our security forces that majority of these plans are unveiled and their perpetrators are caught.

In the same way, there are large numbers of politicians and groups in the country who are directly or indirectly supporting Taliban and other militant groups for their own benefits. There were many occasions when our security forces caught important political figures of the country helping the suicide bomber reach to a certain place but due to political influences, no action was taken against them. In the same way, the role of international security forces was also dubious in this regard and according to our security forces, international forces released dozens of important criminals and terrorists who were caught by Afghan security forces.

Some of the policies of ex-president Hamid Karzai were also disappointing to our security forces. This included of the release of large number of Taliban from prisons in Afghanistan and Pakistan on the name of trust-building measures but later on, these terrorists returned to their groups and once again took part in fresh terror activities against the citizens and the security forces of the country. In the same way, President Karzai had banned the use of heavy arms and artillery against the militants. The reason was given that such heavy firing might cause civil casualties. Although this phenomenon was never supported by ground realities but it only paralyzed the abilities of our forces to fight terrorism and both the conditions were much disappointing for them.

It should also not be forgotten that our security forces are also not receiving the privileges that are normally given to them in the advanced or democratic countries of the world. Majority of them are working on meager salaries and the facilities provided to them can also not be termed as perfect. In the same way, they are not given with all the needed equipment and arms due to which they feel themselves helpless on a number of occasions.

However, the biggest factor that can keep the spirits of our forces is the support by public. Last week, public expressed its support by a number of demonstrations and it is for sure that it might have added to the confidence of our forces. Similarly, it is also a fact that general public has great love and admiration for our forces. It is needed that we need to arrange such activities from time to time so that the spirit of our forces should be kept high who always remain awake to ensure our peaceful nights and days.