Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Political Will needed for the Prosperity of Afghanistan

On the outset of 2015, the increasing insurgencies around the globe, and fanatic approaches towards the domestic issues in the Islamic countries and international subjects serve as great alert to the current circumstances. Terrorism, war, violence and insecurity have totally beleaguered the people in many parts of the world.

In the growingly violent environment, leaders of the terrorist organizations have taken the form of so called religious leaders and speak out with religious tone and style. The conception originates from terrorist acts and sectarian violence. Taliban, ISIL and like minded militants groups have been targeting several religious groups whom they call as infidels.

Why should we, after more than 13 years of battle and suffering, still anticipate a bloodier year, which remained unpleasant for Afghans and international forces alike.  Are they so weak that they cannot avoid these bloody fate or there other mysteries this lingering and catastrophic conflict? Certainly, Taliban and other insurgent groups are not so strong not to be defeated.

Rule of law projects and civilian works remain vital to contributing to establishment of authority of Afghan government across the country. Military operations will not lead to durable security unless they are followed by good governance and providing the people with opportunities to savor in benefits of the government’s presence.

Over the last few years, government’s weakness and inability to deliver public services to its citizens has been one of the factors that have emboldened Taliban insurgency. While military offensive is necessary to defeat the irreconcilable militants, the fanatic fringes, not willing to break links with Al-Qaeda network and ISIL (Daesh), development and welfare projects remain key to changing the minds of those locales who have been under the control of medieval style of Taliban rule. Many analysts are of the view that now a the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) has taken the control of the security in Afghanistan will face not only a “resilient and growing insurgency” and that there is a crisis of confidence among Afghans — in both their government and the international community — that undermines international community’s credibility and emboldens the insurgents. Although the International forces withdrew from Afghanistan still Afghans have chance to reach prosperity and free themselves from lingering sufferings, they must continue to seize the presence of international community wisely by helping the development projects. Continued distrust in the government and international community will plunge them into irreversible crisis for good. 

Obviously, Afghan people do not support the presence of Taliban and its associates in Afghanistan, so, in order to drive them out to pave the ground for modern life and development, local people must do their best to contribute to this end. Local elders and Shuras must take the lead in this regard. Only a developed and modern Afghanistan will get rid of external interferences and continued tragedies.

Although there are reason why Taliban and like minded groups are getting strong with the passage of time and one of the main reasons is that Afghan government with the help of international community could not able to cut the source of their income. Militants earn hundreds of million by cultivating poppy while Afghan government say that International community did not work seriously to defeat this menace. It is extremely ridiculous. We are addicted to international assistance, even for things that we can do ourselves easily. But in the case of the mighty profitable business of opium production, a strong political will of the Government is more important than the international assistance. What alternatives could be there? If you go back to the history of opium production in Afghanistan, it is not older than the conflict starting from the time of Soviet invasion. The mainstay of Afghanistan economy has been agriculture for centuries, and the opium is a very new phenomenon that has started with all the political motives behind. And a solution is also based on the political will of the Government, which has been very soft in the so-called war against drugs.

The common mass population is very conservative and strict with faith. A strong religious campaign against the poppy crop production being Haram can make a big difference. Before 40 years ago, there were no poppy crop, and people could live the life standard they are living today. Basically with availability of a strict policy implementation and strong legislation will reduce the opium production, as farmers know the alternative themselves.

It is very simple to blame the poor peasants for poppy production, while the opium mafia groups are the real profiteers of this business. And the lack of political will by the Government has very much behind that. The international community has been ignoring the war against opium, being very soft. The US in particular has turned its eye from opium trade and mafias involved, otherwise it is not that impossible to make Afghanistan an opium-free state in a couple of years. 

In fact, the people of Afghanistan must learn to take the responsibility for their life and country. The misery in this part of the world will not end unless the people themselves start working to eliminate it.