Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Plans of New Ministers and Public Hope

The process of the verification of the new cabinet members is going on smoothly, exhibiting the actual power of democracy and a democratic government. In a condition that government is run by two strong and most influential heads of the state who are backed by a thousand more important politicians, tribal chiefs, social elders, warlords, industrialists and others, they cannot do anything against the desire of the elected representatives of people in the lower and upper houses of parliament. Till latest reports, only nine ministers have been approved by the parliament while almost a dozen candidates were rejected by the house. The government is also busy in introducing new members to the house in order to fill up the space of needed ministers and quickly resume the work of administration as without any cabinet and proper ministers, almost all the ministries have become practically paralyzed and the work of state has become badly affected. We have repeatedly pointed out in these lines about the need of immediate action by the government to introduce the cabinet as the lack of cabinet has given birth to so many problems in the country. The worst effected part of the country are common people who are going from door to door for their grievances but are returned due to the absence of an authorized person in the office.

There are also reports that the absence of a cabinet of ministers and the internal disagreement between the heads of government have given way to a number of rumors resulting in the disappointment of some people from the future of the country. It is the reason why, a number of rich industrialists and businessmen have taken out their money from their businesses and local bank accounts and are thinking to transfer them outside the country. The recent news about a similar attempt of a number of businessmen and traders of Herat was also alarming as our economy cannot afford such tremors where the investment is already very limited and such doubts and fears may further exacerbate the situation of the country on the financial grounds.

Now that the process of the approval of new ministers is in progress and there has not been any kind of deadlock in this regard, we can pray and hope that these problems would be solved by the establishment of a new cabinet. In order to win the vote of the members of the lower house, the nominated ministers have presented bombastic plans for their upcoming tenure in case they are selected as ministers. In these plans, they have mentioned their plans to change the fate of the country and bring an end to the miseries of people. In almost all the developed nations of the world, it is a routine practice that new nominated ministers present their five-year plan on the floor of the house. The importance of these plans can be realized from the fact that ministers are rejected or selected on the basis of these plans. The accuracy, the validity and attention to the details of these plans exhibit the real talent and hidden qualities of a minister on the basis of which they win the vote of confidence of the representatives of people.

However, in case of Afghanistan, it has not been so much successful. Although a number of ministers in the previous cabinets also came up with their plans but these plans were forgotten soon after they got the vote of confidence of the parliamentarians and we have hardly seen any minister achieving the targets mentioned in these plans. More or less is the case with the plans and targets of the present ministers. According to a number of parliamentarians, the plans and targets of the nominated ministers are really glowing and bombastic but majority of these plans are not practicable. A large number of plans and projects have been mentioned by the nominated ministers that our country neither has the budget nor the manpower and other capacity to turn them into reality. In the same manner, majority of the ministers have failed to give any kind of schedule for the completion of the projects mentioned in their plans. Although a large number of tasks and targets have been mentioned but none of them have specified any kind of deadline for the completion of these tasks. In such circumstances, it is felt that these plans would also turn out like the past plans and projects of the ministers that were presented to the house to win the vote of the parliamentarians but they were never going to turn into reality.

In the presence of above facts, it may not be wise to pin much hopes from the new cabinet but it is still the blessing of the democracy that a lame and weak democracy functions comparatively better than any other form of government. Another good factor is the presence of a large number of new faces who have been selected on the basis of merit. In the new cabinet, a number of new ministers have been introduced who are highly educated and have sufficient experience of working on international arena. Keeping aside all our fears and reservations, let us hope the best from this cabinet and the unity government as it stands as our last hope from the future of this country.