Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Women Issues must be Dealt Permanently

The rights and role of women in Afghanistan have been important issues that have attracted much discussion but, in fact, there have not been sincere and appropriate efforts focused on them. As a result the key issues pertaining to the plight of women in the country have remained unsolved. The measures taken have not been persistent enough and have not strived to solve the root causes; rather they have dealt with temporary solutions and solace. Thus, the dirty and ugly existence has been covered with clean and ostentatious cloths and the same appearance is shown to the world, but the existence within has remained filthy. 

The same has been highlighted by Afghanistan Human Rights and Democracy Organization (AHRDO). In a report (Women in the Eyes of Men: Tackling the Structural Roots of Women’s Problems in Afghanistan) AHRDO has mentioned that women have remained a marginal force even after years of international investment in the country as international assistance has focused on short-term projects, failing to address women’s structural impediments. 

This has been one of the major issues with the assistance by the international community that it has funded the projects that have certain defined activities and limited to certain period of time. The organizations that have carried out these projects have mostly strived to generate benefits from the funds instead of using them for the proposed goals. As, the accountability has been insufficient the management of the projects and their success have been vague and, in certain cases, not even pursued properly.

Projects relevant to women issues have been used by different NGO’s to attract donors and earn funding, not as genuine issues to be solved through proper processes and mechanisms. Thus the issues have remained the way they were or they are only solved temporarily and the institutional features that keep women subservient to patriarchal and masculine structures and out of mainstream developments have not been targeted.  

The approach of men towards women and of different patriarchal institutions has been discriminatory as well which has further worsened the situation. The male members of the society have never understood that women have been really facing serious issues and they have their due rights that should be safeguarded.

In this regard AHRDO’s research with Afghan men, with its central objective to engage with men and find out how they see women and women’s problems and what long-term solutions they offer to institutional problems, says, “Afghan men’s attitudinal and behavioral orientations largely appear to be discouraging, cynical, and at times aggressive and suppressive towards women… Characterized by parochialism, suspicion, violence and control, the men largely view women as subordinates and often treat them either with denigration or negligence in decision making and power projections.”

Interactions during the research interviews revealed that Afghan men dominate key institutions and social structures that not only influence, but also shape and configure, women’s lives in public and private realms. In part, patriarchal family structures, a male-driven-and-led religious establishment, an unsafe public space, the male dominated market place and conservative culture and traditions considerably restrain women both privately and publicly.

It is now time that the short-term approach towards solving the women issues in Afghanistan should be shunned and it has to be comprehended that Women in Afghanistan have been suffering discriminatory behavior for a very long time, thus it has penetrated within social fabrics. The religious extremism and obsolete tribal values have played a dominant role in making every sort of violation and violence possible against them. Though they have been raising their voices every now and then but in the noise of male shrieks they seem to be negligible and get faded away. In fact, the male-chauvinistic ears are not ready to hear them though they feel their vibrations clearly. Nonetheless, the efforts in this regard must never be given up and they should continue in every possible way.

Both women and men have to bring about changes in their attitude. Fighting the discrimination and violence does not necessarily mean that women alone should shoulder the responsibility. The men can also play an important role and they have to be made aware of it. There should be efforts to bring about changes in the attitude of men towards women; otherwise, fighting for the rights of women would be very difficult.

Different strata in society can also play an imperative role. The different institutions, functioning in the society must ensure that there should be biased policies and attitude against the women. Their policies and practices must never be inclined towards discrimination and injustice on the basis of gender. Not only the women rights organization but different other social, political and administrative organizations can have a part in making sure that women are properly compensated within the system and are not neglected on the basis of prejudice.

In the countries like Afghanistan, the religious and tribal institutions can also play tremendous role in uplifting the position of women and giving them the status they deserve. As most of the people are religious and tribal, they can easily be motivated by such institutions for better and higher purposes.