Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

The Burning Issue of Electoral Reforms

The issue of reforms in the system of elections is resounding in both national and international media and after the resolution of the cabinet, this has emerged as the most important and crucial issue for the unity government. The efforts are underway in the lines of government and according to the sources of Presidential Palace, second Vice-President, Sarwar Danish has been assigned by the president with a special duty to start the work on electoral reforms. At the same time, the Chief Executive has also shown keen interest in making happen these reforms in the earliest time possible.

In the wake of upcoming parliamentary elections next year, the reforms in the system of elections are felt very badly. Due to the complications and defects in our electoral system, we had the worst electoral deadlock of history in last year’s presidential elections andthese fraudulent elections had almost wasted all the gains of last thirteen years’ gains of democratic government in the country. These elections not only resulted in the worst electoral stalemate but defamed our electoral system and government practices the world over. These elections not only failed to decide upon the future ruler of the country but created a deadlock that was only solved by the intervention of US Foreign Secretary, John Kerry and representatives of a number of international powers. According to UN, these were the only elections in which hundred percent votes were recounted and the whole process of elections took the longest time ever. It is feared that due to the prevalent defects in our electoral system, the upcoming parliamentary elections will also result in similar complications and once again, the fate of the country would be put on risk.

The intentions and the disappointment of international community about the present system of elections was evident by the fact that European Union recently warned that without proper reforms in the electoral process, they would not provide any financial aid to Afghanistan and their assistance in future will be associated with the performance of country in bringing reforms in the electoral process. Same or less are the intentions of the other countries that are at present supporting the financial needs of the country.

With the latest revelations about the fraudulent practices in last presidential elections, these elections have now proved to be one of the worst elections the country had in its democratic life. Poll rigging, the influence of local government bodies and tribal or local elders, the involvement of the employees of commission in the electoral malpractices and other cases of fraud left a shameful mark on the pages of our national history. If proper reforms are not made in this regard, the country may once again fall into the similar dangers and it is not necessary that country should be able to recover from the losses.

The first and foremost step in the election reforms would be the replacement of old and corrupt officials of election commission. As has been revealed, the senior officers and also the inferior staff was involved in wide-scale electoral frauds. Until and unless these officials are not changed, the scenario may not change so much. It falls on the shoulder of the authorities to find honest and neutral officers for the election commission.

Second most important factor in regards of electoral reforms is to give absolute authority and freedom to the election commission so that they should perform their duties properly without any influence or pressure of anyone. In this regard, proper legislation is needed so that no government official or tribal elders should be able to interfere in the work of the commission. In this regard, no relaxation should be given to anyone, even if holding the most important posts in government.

Like the previous two presidential elections, last year’s elections were full of corruption due to the absence of proper voters list. Due to this problem, a person was able to cast his vote for a number of times. Similarly, in an area with a few hundred voters, thousands of votes were casted by bogus voting. Similarly, it was very difficult to find out as how many voters had given the vote. These complications require that proper voters list should be made and proper system of checking should be introduced so that no one should be able to disrupt the process of transparent voting. This target can be achieved by updating the national identity cards. The issuance of computerized national identity cards is in progress and once this process is completed, we will have a comprehensive data about all the citizens and this data can later be used in making the proper voters lists.

In all these issues, the help of international community can be sought, especially the electoral experts can be invited to come up with proper reforms in this regard. When sought with this intention, international community will also show willingness to extend all the possible help in this regard.

And above all, all those who were responsible for fraud and corruption in last elections should be brought into justice so that no one should dare to risk the solidarity of the country for attaining their own objectives. If the above mentioned points are properly followed up, the whole system of election and also the country would come into order.